Lee Hyo-je

Lee Hyo-je

Nascimento : 2004-02-18, South Korea


Lee Hyo-je
Lee Hyo-je
Lee Hyo-je


Good Person
High school teacher Gyeongseok agrees to look after his daughter Yunhui for his ex-wife’s sudden request. He brings Yunhui with him to the school where he works. There, he leaves Yunhui alone in the car briefly, and when he returns she’s gone. Later, Yunhui is found after having been grievously injured in a car accident. The driver of the truck that hit her, however, indicates that Seik, one of Gyeongseok’s students, was the true cause of the accident.
Family Affair
One day, three siblings receive a postcard from their mother who left them a long time ago. But all it says is "I miss you." Three siblings are disconcerted by the sudden contact, but eventually, they go on a trip to meet their mother.
Junho, a grade school student, is left all alone after his mom’s car accident. His half-brother’s father takes pity on him and brings him home. Knowing that he can be kicked out any day, Junho tries desperately to stay.
Father's Sword
Tae-sik, who is being bullied at school, is suffering from Seong-min's gang every day and continuing a hard life. Suddenly, Dad suddenly falls and is hospitalized, but suddenly strangers come to visit. An unidentified man tells Tae-sik the incredible fact that his father was a great being in the game. Tae-sik, who was confused, go on a journey looking for the item sword his father had hidden for him.
Vanishing Time: A Boy Who Returned
Young Sung-min
Após a morte de sua mãe, a adolescente Su-rin se muda com seu padrasto para uma ilha remota. Ela faz amizade com um órfão chamado Sung-min, que relata ter experiências fora do corpo. Junto com outros jovens, eles se aventuram em uma caverna e encontram um estranho ovo brilhante. De acordo com o folclore local, ele guarda uma criatura que devora o tempo. Quando sai da caverna, Su-rin percebe que todos desapareceram e a polícia trata o caso como sequestro. Algum tempo depois, surge um homem misterioso de 30 anos que diz ser o próprio Sung-min.
A Última Princesa
young Jang-han
Sob o opressivo domínio colonial japonês, Deok-hye, a última princesa do declínio da dinastia Joseon, é forçada a se mudar para o Japão. Ela passa seus dias sentindo falta de casa, enquanto se esforça para manter a dignidade como uma princesa. Depois de uma série de tentativas frustradas, Deok-hye faz sua última tentativa de voltar para casa com a ajuda de sua namorada de infância, Jang-han.
The Priests
Young Choi
Para salvar uma garota em perigo, um padre e um diácono se envolvem em um caso misterioso.
Young Jeongjo
Coréia antiga, 4 de julho de 1762. O príncipe herdeiro Hyojang, nomeado postumamente Sado, filho do rei Yeongjo da dinastia Joseon, é acusado de traição. Assim, o rei pede que ele cometa suicídio, mas os seus vassalos mais próximos impedem, então o rei ordena que o príncipe entre num baú de arroz de madeira, onde sofre privação de comida e água.
The Classified File
Gong's son
A detective and a fortune teller join forces to find a kidnapped child whom no one expects to be alive. Based on a true story.
We Are Brothers
Park Sang-yeon (young)
Two brothers were separated in childhood at an orphanage, only to find each other as adults 30 years later. But right after their reunion, their birth mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, suddenly disappears. So Sang-yeon and Ha-yeon team up together and go on a road trip to search for her.