Emilio Giannini


Private House of the SS
Director of Photography
Top Nazi officials, intent on rooting out traitors and those in the military who may be plotting to overthrow Adolf Hitler, recruit and train a group of beautiful prostitutes whose mission is to use any means necessary to uncover plots against the Fuhrer.
Quelli belli... siamo noi
Camera Operator
Amateur songwriter falls in love with a Sicilian girl, but her father has already promised her to another.
For a Few Dollars Less
Camera Operator
A bank clerk and his cousin, a "general", join forces to track down a Mexican outlaw.
An Angel for Satan
Camera Operator
At the end of the 19th century, in a little Italian village by a lake an old statue is recovered. Soon a series of crimes start and the superstitious people of the village believe that the statue carries an ancient malediction.
Te lo leggo negli occhi
Camera Operator
A girl from a country village goes to town and falls in love with a songwriter struggling for success. Soon however their life-paths go different ways and they split. Only for a short time naturally : a song he writes will help them to reunite.
The Changing of the Guard
Camera Operator
During WW2, it's not wise to be a mayor chosen by the fascists with the Americans' impending arrival.
A Colheita Estéril
Camera Operator
Roman police detectives interrogate a series of potential perpetrators in their struggle to determine whom to arrest for the brutal murder of a beautiful prostitute whose body is discovered in a park on the day of a torrential rainstorm. One by one, the prime suspects -- girl-crazy teenager Nino, pickpocket Canticchia, a soldier on leave, a tourist and a pimp -- recount the events of the day to the police, each insisting he is innocent.
Camera Operator
While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.
Gigantes de Roma
Camera Operator
Os irmãos gémeos foram criados por lobos, revoltaram-se contra a tirania na Itália pré-romana e depois chegaram a uma divisão dos caminhos enquanto lideravam seu povo para a fundação de uma nova cidade, os fundadores de Roma.
Cacciatori di dote
Camera Operator
Manlio from Guatemala and Carlo the nobleman are both looking forward to settling down by marrying rich.
O Corcunda de Roma
Camera Operator
Alvaro Cosenza, also known as the Hunchback from Quarticciolo, during Rome's occupation by Nazis in 1943, decides to revolt.