Derek Whitehurst


Blue Blood
Assistant Director
A debauched young aristocrat entrusts the running of his country house to Tom, the butler, on whom he depends absolutely. Before long the servant begins to dominate his master, to the alarm of the newly hired German nanny who senses sinister, demonic intent in Tom's control of the house.
Malachi's Cove
Assistant Director
A tough young girl lives with her aging grandfather near a cove on the coast of Cornwall. She supports herself and him by gathering seaweed to sell as fertilizer. A cocky young neighboring boy decides to help her with the work.
Ooh... You Are Awful
Assistant Director
Charlie Tully and womanising Reggie Peek con two rich Italians out of £500,000 but during their flight out Charlie is arrested for coning an American and a dog. Reggie stores the money in a Swiss Bank and after Charlie is released is about to tell him which Bank when he is killed by Sid Sabbath's gang whose girlfriend Reggie had an affair with. The only lead is four tattoos that is on the girls Reggie had affairs with while Charlie was in jail. But Sabbath is on Charlie's trail to kill him and the Italians contract the mob - to find the money and then kill him.....
O Circo do Vampiro
Assistant Director
After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse's mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count's last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.
Assistant Director
The waters surrounding an island become contaminated by chemical dumping, and people who eat fish caught in those waters become deformed and violent.
O Conde Drácula
Assistant Director
O Conde Drácula, o mais cruel vampiro da história, renasce das cinzas, para atormentar os moradores de um pequeno vilarejo da Inglaterra. Um jovem fugitivo da polícia esconde-se no castelo da vampiro sem saber o que o espera. O povo revoltado invade o castelo e tenta destruir o antro de perversão do monstro. Porém, o Príncipe das Trevas está de volta mais terrível do que nunca e dará início a um ritual sádico e perverso em busca de vingança.
Carmilla, a Vampira de Karnstein
Assistant Director
In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein. Years of peace follow that grisly night until Mircalla reappears to avenge her family's decimation and satisfy her desire for blood.
O Sangue de Drácula
Assistant Director
No exato momento da morte de Dracula (filme anterior), um homem passa pelo local e recolhe seu sangue, capa e anel com a intenção de ressuscitá-lo em um ritual satânico. Três distintos cavalheiros estão procurando por algo excitante em suas tediosas vidas. Eles entram em contato com um dos servos de Drácula e realizam uma cerimônia noturna para trazê-lo de volta à vida. Eles aceitam do Lord Courtley a missão de comprar para este o manto, o anel, e um frasco com sangue pertencente ao falecido Conde Drácula. Em troca, terão teus desejos mais secretos realizados. Numa cerimônia secreta, os cidadãos se recusam a beber uma poção feita com o sangue de Drácula, mas o Lord bebe e é espancado até a morte, como vingança, ele decide que os cavalheiros serão mortos, um a um, por seus próprios filhos.
Inside Information
Assistant Director
Scotland Yard is called in when the effigy used in a Guy Fawkes Day celebration turns out to be the burned corpse of a real man.