Marshall Davis Jones


The Rebound
After a disappointing loss during the national championships, local wheelchair basketball team are ready to come back together and give their all in the forthcoming season. In community-supported wheelchair basketball programs across the country, players push each other physically, mentally and emotionally in order to succeed against the odds, struggling with the challenges of dedicating oneself to a sport that does not garner the recognition or resources granted to other professional athletic organizations—wheelchair basketball is all too often regarded as a sort of charity instead of the riveting competitive sport that it is. The Miami Heat Wheels are ready for their second shot at winning the nationals, but lack of funds and personal problems threaten to put an end to the dream before the season reaches its tension-riddled conclusion.
#standwithme examines the realities of modern-day slavery, the role we play in it as consumers, and the importance of knowing the story behind what we buy. After seeing a photo of two enslaved boys in Nepal, Vivienne Harr is moved to help in the only way she knows how: by setting up her lemonade stand. As Vivienne's vision begins to show promise for something greater, she and her family must fight to avoid supporting the very thing they are up against.