Marina Ochoa Tanda


The Red Sun in the Sunset
Documentary focusing on the experiences of Japanese immigrants in Cuba.
The Red Sun in the Sunset
Documentary focusing on the experiences of Japanese immigrants in Cuba.
Las plumas del vuelo del águila
From the presentation made by Camila Enríquez Ureña of Juan Ramón Jiménez in the Cuban poetry event of 1936 and which reminds us of the flight of the wounded eagle of José Martí, we will know the traces left in poetry and in 20th century Cuban culture, his ethical and aesthetic thinking, according to the testimonies of Fina García-Marruz and Cintio Vitier.
Las plumas del vuelo del águila
From the presentation made by Camila Enríquez Ureña of Juan Ramón Jiménez in the Cuban poetry event of 1936 and which reminds us of the flight of the wounded eagle of José Martí, we will know the traces left in poetry and in 20th century Cuban culture, his ethical and aesthetic thinking, according to the testimonies of Fina García-Marruz and Cintio Vitier.
...porque es vivir un testimonio raro
Serafina Núñez, her poetic work, personality, and her relationship with some moments of the cultural and social environment that she had to live during her ninety years.
...porque es vivir un testimonio raro
Serafina Núñez, her poetic work, personality, and her relationship with some moments of the cultural and social environment that she had to live during her ninety years.