Sara Forestier

Sara Forestier

Nascimento : 1986-10-04, Copenhagen, Denmark


Sara Forestier (born 4 October 1986 in Copenhagen, Denmark) is a French actress and director.


Sara Forestier
Sara Forestier


Le soir où j'ai reçu le César
Internet humor star Thomas the Lama gets out of hand in a video. He becomes the target of all haters and his life falls apart. To win back his girlfriend and his audience, he decides to go meet his 10 biggest detractors to see if they can say, face to face, what they write on his page - Each meeting promises to be epic.
Sophie Legal
Sophie tem 28 anos. Ela gostaria de ser cartunista, mas isso seria muito mais fácil se ela tivesse cursado uma escola de artes. Ela também gostaria de encontrar o amor, mas isso também seria muito mais fácil se ele lhe saltasse aos olhos. Ela multiplica experiências amorosas e profissionais. Leva muitos golpes duros e dá alguns: isso faz parte do aprendizado. Não lhe sai da cabeça Daniel Johnston, que insiste que o verdadeiro amor acaba por chegar.
Nos gènes
Comedian and educator, Karim is only approached for caricature roles. In studies, the issue of discrimination is addressed by children. In the evening, at a screening of ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, Karim is disturbed by the entry into the cinema hall of an Arab man and decked out with big bags...
Donas de Alegria
Donas de alegria conta três histórias de mulheres durante um verão escaldante entre o norte da França e a Bélgica. Axelle, Conso e Dominique nada têm em comum a não ser que são colegas e que, todos os dias, juntas, cruzam a fronteira.
Oh Mercy
A police chief in northern France tries to solve a case where an old woman was brutally murdered.
Lila and Mo meet at a bus stop. Lila has a paralyzing speech impediment. Mo is chatty and exuberant. Lila is preparing for her exams. Mo illegally races cars for a living. Opposites attract, and they fall in love. But Mo carries a secret burden…
Lila and Mo meet at a bus stop. Lila has a paralyzing speech impediment. Mo is chatty and exuberant. Lila is preparing for her exams. Mo illegally races cars for a living. Opposites attract, and they fall in love. But Mo carries a secret burden…
Lila and Mo meet at a bus stop. Lila has a paralyzing speech impediment. Mo is chatty and exuberant. Lila is preparing for her exams. Mo illegally races cars for a living. Opposites attract, and they fall in love. But Mo carries a secret burden…
Florence Mautret
Florence is a school teacher devoted to her students. When she encounters young Sacha, a child with problems, she will do everything she can to help him, even to the point of neglecting her own children, her own life, and of questioning her vocation. Little by little Florence realizes that learning has no age limit.
De Cabeça Erguida
Séverine Ferrandot
O filme conta a história de Malony e sua educação à medida que ele cresce de seis anos para 18 anos. Um juiz de menores e um assistente social trabalham incansavelmente para tentar salvar o jovem infrator.
Suzanne Merevsky
Suzanne and her family, a story of destiny. The ties that bind them, keep them together, and the love she pursues. Pursues to the point of leaving everything behind.
O Amor É um Crime Perfeito
Marc, in his 40s, is a professor of literature at the University of Lausanne. Still a bachelor — and still living with his sister Marianne in a huge, isolated chalet that they inherited when they were very young — he carries on one love affair after another with his students. Winter has almost ended when one of his most brilliant students, Barbara, suddenly disappears. Two days later, Marc meets Barbara’s mother, Anna, who wants to find out more about her vanished daughter.
Minhas Sessões de Luta
A couple’s verbal sparring intensifies with shoving, punching and wrestling, escalating to the point where their frequent fighting sessions become real love battles…
Anos Incríveis
It all began when camcorders replaced cameras. Making TV programs then became within everyone's reach. Jean-Lou, Yasmina, Victor, Clara, Adonis, and the others didn't only want to create their own television channel, they above all wanted to make a revolution. Thus Télé Gaucho was born, as anarchic and provocative as the main channels were conformist and reactionary. Five years of mayhem, brutal pirate TV demonstrations, drunken parties, and thwarted love.. And that was my idyllic interlude.
Paris by Night
Laurence Deray
Police commander Simon Weiss, head of the division that supervises Paris’s demi-monde, starts out on his nightly tour of bars, discos and strip clubs, making sure once again that the owners don’t bend the rules too far. Weiss knows he’s between a rock and hard place: it’s obvious that criminal gangs run rampant in his special domain, and even more obvious that they’re protected by higher-ups in the department.
Os Nomes do Amor
Bahia Benmahmoud
Baya é uma jovem ativista de esquerda que dorme com seus adversários políticos para convertê-los aos seus ideais, tudo vai bem até que ela se apaixona por um deles.
Gainsbourg - O Homem que Amava as Mulheres
France Gall
Filho de judeus russos, Lucien Ginsburg passa a infância na Paris dos anos 1940, ocupada pelos nazistas. Quando jovem, é um poeta tímido que oculta suas pinturas no quarto, logo abandonado em troca da agitação dos cabarés dos anos 60. De noite em noite, dá vazão a sua voz e a seu talento de vanguarda, que o transformam no ícone subversivo Serge Gainsbourg, um dos mais importantes cantores e poetas da língua francesa. Enquanto as criaturas que habitam seu mundo dançam de forma imaginária em seu entorno, sua verve encontra eco na vida boêmia e nos amores tumultuados que tem ao longo da vida.
When a family wins a contest to adopt Victor, an 85-year-old man, the magazine intern who hatched the idea must undo what has been done.
Ervas Daninhas
Marguerite loses her wallet, and it's found by Georges, a seemingly happy head of family. As he looks through the wallet and examines the photos of Marguerite, he finds he's fascinated with her and her life, and soon his curiosity about her becomes an obsession.
A team of several researchers travel to the Swiss Alps to investigate a scientific discovery on human evolution. The trip, however, turns into a deadly fight for survival when the team crash into a gully and find themselves falling prey to someone...or something.
Sandrine nella pioggia
To Each His Own Cinema
The usherette (segment "Cinéma érotique")
A collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about cinema.
Jean de La Fontaine, le défi
O Perfume - História de um Assassino
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille nasceu com o olfacto mais apurado do mundo e encontrou a carreira certa para o usar ao tornar-se perfumista. Mas o que poderia ter sido uma história de sucesso toma contornos macabros quando a sua busca incessante para captar o aroma mais perfeito e fugaz o leva a cometer as maiores atrocidades.
Segredos de Estado
1° de setembro de 2001. Elliott (Nolte), um agente da CIA que procura sua filha (abandonada por ele há 10 anos), desaparece misteriosamente com segredos de Estado. Irene (Binoche), uma agente francesa que conhecia Elliott, e David, enteado dele, tentam encontrá-lo e ajudá-lo, à medida que são perseguidos por um perigoso assassino (Turturro). De Paris a Veneza, a busca culmina no fatídico dia de 11 de setembro.
Asterix e os Vikings
Abba (voice)
Os bravos guerreiros gauleses Asterix e Obelix recebem uma importante tarefa: transformar o jovem Calhambix, sobrinho do chefe Abracurcix, em um verdadeiro guerreiro. Mas, isto não será nada simples, pois além de medroso, ele só se interessa pelas modernidades urbanas. Para piorar, uma tropa Viking invade a Gália e seqüestra Calhambix. Atravessando as águas geladas do Ártico, Asterix, Obelix e o fiel cãozinho Idéiafix, enfrentarão inúmeros obstáculos para trazê-lo de volta. Mas, nem tudo é guerra entre gauleses e vikings. Entre uma aventura e outra há também espaço para um romance inesperado.
In Paris, Ella, a.k.a. Hell, is a promiscuous and reckless teenager with absent upper class parents that does not study or work and spends her time going to night-clubs, using cocaine and drinking booze with her idle high-society friends. She has recently made an abortion without knowing who the father could be. When she meets the playboy Andrea, they have a torrid and crazy love affair with a tragic ending.
Por Amor ou Por Dinheiro?
Um homem acaba de ganhar uma bolada na loteria e faz uma grande proposta para uma prostituta, Daniela (Monica Bellucci, de “Matrix Revolutions” e “Irmãos Grimm”). Ele pagaria o triplo que ela ganharia trabalhando durante cinco anos como prostituta, a troco de casar-se com ele. O filme francês tem a direção do também francês Bertrand Blier (“Pédale dure”, “Os Atores”). Além da ja citada Monica Bellucci, que aperecerá em cenas para lá de sensuais, o elenco tem Bernard Campan (“Three Kings”) e o famoso ator Gérard Depardieu (“Last Holyday”).
The Art of Breaking Up
Lucette and Edouard: Two lovers passionate about sex, money and life. He is a spoiled but penniless child who wants it all while she is a celebrated figure of la vie parisienne who knows what she wants and what she is worth. Edouard is marrying a young, pretty and rich heiress. He comes to confess this to Lucette and to make their parting official, but he doesn’t want to leave her. He struggles with all his might to hide his betrayal but her opportunities to learn of it are countless and unpredictable.
Les courants
A Esquiva
Em conjunto habitacional no subúrbio parisiense, um anjo passa declamando apaixonadamente versos da peça "Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard". É Lydia (Sara Forestier), ensaiando o espetáculo montado por sua turma de sala de aula para as festividades da escola. Krimo (Osman Elkharraz), no auge de seus 15 anos, se apaixona por ela e corrompe seu amigo Rachid (Rachid Hami), parceiro de cena com Lydia, para obter o papel de Arlequim.
Quelques jours entre nous
Three siblings lose both their parents after a terrible accident, after which their lives are forever changed. Vincent, the middle child, has to assume a lot of responsibility, not the least of which is his younger sister Alice. He must also give up his architecture course in order to work for his uncle's construction firm. The two adjust, and their life goes pretty well before it is again turned upside down when their older brother Thomas, who had been in Brazil for a couple of years, returns and upsets the current order.
The War in Paris
In Paris, in 1943, Jules, a 19-year-old Jew, lived without an ideal, tossed about by circumstances. He becomes in turn a traitor then a hero. Thomas, his fifteen-year-old brother, wants to act and fight in resistance.
Les fantômes de Louba
Fille 2
Louba never knew her father and lost her mother when she was five years old. Placed in a host family, she meets Jeannie, a pretty and sensual girl. But, haunted by her past, Louba is unable to express her emotions and her need for love.
The Perfect Boyfriend
Disparition inquiétante; L'Évaporation
Maya Rosetti