Aldo Carocci


The Con Artists
Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.
Crônica dos Anos de Fogo
Chief Lighting Technician
Vencedor do prestigiado Palma de Ouro no Festival de Cannes em 1975, “Chronique Des Années De Braise” retrata a luta da Argélia pela independência do domínio colonial francês. A história segue a migração de um camponês de sua aldeia devastada pela seca à sua eventual participação com o movimento de resistência argelina, pouco antes da eclosão da Guerra de Independência da Argélia.
A Breve Noite das Bonecas de Vidro
Em Praga, um jornalista americano investiga o desaparecimento repentino da namorada. Com trilha de Ennio Morricone e excelente elenco, essa pequena obra-prima é um giallo original que antecipa “De Olhos Bem Fechados.”
The Seducers
Ulla, a prostitute is hired by the despicable Mudy, mother of the shy and mentally disturbed 20-year-old Tony with a tendency toward pyromania. She is invited on a sea cruise where she is meant to "take" his virginity. Also invited on the cruise are the provocative Paula and her husband Aldo, who are constantly striving to win the favor of a wealthy woman in hope of obtaining an oil concession. Despite her efforts, Ulla has no effect on the young man until the yacht stops on a Mediterranean island inhabited only by a goat herder and his wife, Beba. Tony is attracted to her, but little by little his mental disorders arise, and the story ends in tragedy.