Sen Dog


Baseado em Fatos Raciais
Ela inspirou o jazz e o hip-hop — e desencadeou uma guerra contra as drogas cheia de injustiças raciais. Especialistas exploram a complexa relação dos EUA com a maconha.
Cypress Hill on tour - Les Eurockéennes de Belfort 2012
The 'Scarface' Phenomenon
This all-new documentary presents "Scarface" as a unique phenomenon in cinema history. It explores how a film plagued by controversy leading up to its release has become a Hollywood classic, influencing a whole new generation of filmmakers and leaving a lasting imprint on popular culture.
Rappin' With The Rickster
Join photographer turned public access guru Ricky Powell in this collection of clips from his influential NY TV show, Rappin' With The Rickster.
Rhyme & Reason
A study in the world of hip-hop, done mostly with interviews, in order to see why it is as popular as it is today and what the future holds.