Éric Salleron


Searching for Planet 9
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At the edge of our solar system supposedly lies an immense planet. Five to ten times the size of the Earth. Several international teams of scientists have been competing in a frantic race to detect it, in uncharted territories, far beyond Neptune. The recent discovery of several dwarf planets, with intriguing trajectories, have put astronomers on the trail of this mysterious planet. Why is this enigmatic planet so difficult to detect? What would a ninth planet teach us about our corner of the universe? Could it help us unlock some of the mysteries of our solar system?
Um retrato caleidoscópico de pessoas dos subúrbios parisienses, suas vidas e trabalhos conectados pelo trem RER B que atravessa a cidade de norte a sul. Um mecânico migrante, uma cuidadora de idosos, um escritor e a própria diretora compõem o “nós” do título.
Ark of the Covenant: The Bible’s Origins
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In Israel, a joint French-Israeli scientific mission is set to unearth the secrets of the hill of Kiryath-Jearim (or Kiryat Ya’arim), converted to the site of a Catholic convent, where, according to the Bible, the Ark of the Covenant was kept for at least twenty years before being brought to Jerusalem by King David, father of King Solomon, who would eventually build the Holy of Holies inside the First Temple to house it.
I Invite You to My Execution
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Como o escritor russo Boris Pasternak (1890-1960) considera impossível que o seu romance «Doutor Jivago» seja publicado na União Soviética, porque supostamente mostra uma visão crítica da Revolução de Outubro, ele decide contrabandear vários exemplares do manuscrito para fora do país. É publicado pela primeira vez em 1957 em Itália e o autor recebe o Prémio Nobel da Literatura em 1958, o que tem consequências.
John Ford: The Man Who Invented America
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Over a 50-year career and more than a hundred movies, filmmaker John Ford (1894-1973) forged the legend of the Far West. By giving a face to the underprivileged, from humble cowboys to persecuted minorities, he revealed like no one else the great social divisions that existed and still exist in the United States. More than four decades after his death, what remains of his legacy and humanistic values in the memory of those who love his work?
Mont Saint-Michel: The Enigmatic Labyrinth
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Over the centuries, Mont Saint-Michel, an extraordinary island located in the delta of the Couesnon River, in Normandy, France, a place floating between the sea and the sky, has been a sanctuary, an abbey, a fortress and a prison. But how was this architectural wonder built?
Anna Karina, para Você Lembrar
A musa da Nouvelle Vague, Anna Karina, está ligada à grande renovação do cinema nos libertários anos 60. Seu companheiro, o cineasta Dennis Berry, revisita sua vida e carreira, construindo um profundo retrato afetivo na história de seu tempo.
Airbus vs Boeing: The Jumbo Jet Race
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The story of the rivalry between Boeing and Airbus is no doubt one of the greatest human and technological adventures of the 20th century. A modern-day western, with the protagonists trying out every underhand trick and bluff possible to achieve their aims. But it is also a story of power and influence, driven by geopolitical ambitions and struggles, where deals and contracts define a country.
Tokyo Phoenix
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In 150 years, twice marked by total destruction —a terrible earthquake in 1923 and incendiary bombings in 1945— followed by a spectacular rebirth, Tokyo, the old city of Edo, has become the largest and most futuristic capital in the world in a transformation process fueled by the exceptional resilience of its inhabitants, and nourished by a unique phenomenon of cultural hybridization.
A Permanência
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At the consulting service for immigrants at the Avicenne Hospital in suburban Paris, we observe the sorrow and powerlessness of the immigrants who come here.
Danton's Death
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Steve, um negro de 25 anos dos subúrbios de Paris, procura escapar da violência de seu entorno imediato, treinando para se tornar ator em uma das escolas de teatro mais prestigiadas da França. Mas logo ele descobre que o mundo do teatro só está interessado em que ele interprete papeis de "negro."
El Sicario, Room 164
No quarto 164 de um hotel sujo perto da fronteira entre México e EUA, um homem com o rosto coberto por um pano preto fala sobre sua vida. Ele dá detalhes sobre seus 20 anos de trabalho para um narcotraficante mexicano, revelando a grande corrupção das autoridades locais.
Space Hackers
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The '60s. Achille and Giovanni Judica-Cordiglia, two amateur radio enthusiasts, listened to sound from space with home-built equipment in their hometown of Turin. But one night, they recorded something quite different from the usual static that would change their lives forever...
Algérie, la vie toujours
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Algérie, La vie quand même
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A small Algerian town, off the beaten track of the war that is tearing the country apart. At the heart of the crisis that is destroying it, two young men, without work, without leisure activities, without hope, without anything... The film follows them in their daily wanderings between endless boredom and the expectation of the improbable. And shows their humour, their friendship, their will to live regardless.