"The Secret Power" - Hardly anyone who strays into the emigrant's restaurant "Strange Bird" would suspect that the porter once was a general, the waiter a prince and the cook an admiral, and that the lady at the bar is actually the princess Sinaide forced was leaving their home.
An international gang of thieves and swindlers decide to move their criminal operation to the Teutonic city of Cologne, but Tom Wilkens, one of the best agents of the international police, is not far behind and leads an investigation to unmask the criminals.
Viena, anos 1920. Duas mulheres nem imaginavam, mas teriam seus destinos completamente mudados por acasos do destino. Vivendo com dificuldade na tumultuada capital da Áustria afetada grandemente pela Primeira Guerra Mundial, uma delas acaba se tornando prostitua e a outra por sorte é salva pelo amor de um americano da Cruz Vermelha