"Born In Chicago" is a soulful documentary film that chronicles a uniquely musical passing of the torch. It’s the story of first generation blues performers who had made their way to Chicago from the Mississippi Delta and their ardent and unexpected followers – young white, middle class kids who followed this evocative music to smoky clubs deep in Chicago’s ghettos. There, against all odds, they were encouraged by the greats who had became their musical mentors and learned the art of the blues at the feet the masters, going on to make the music their own.
Woodstock ou Festival de Woodstock foi um festival de música realizado entre os dias 15 e 18 de agosto de 1969 na fazenda de gado leiteiro de 600 acres de Max Yasgur, 70 quilômetros a sudoeste da cidade de Woodstock. Foi anunciado como "Uma Exposição Aquariana: 3 Dias de Paz & Música". O festival deveria ocorrer originalmente na pequena cidade de Wallkill, mas os moradores locais não aceitaram, o que levou o evento para a pequena Bethel, a uma hora e meia de distância. O festival exemplificou a era da contracultura do final da década de 1960 e começo de 1970. 32 dos mais conhecidos músicos da época se apresentaram durante um fim de semana, por vezes chuvoso, para 400 mil espectadores. Evento único e lendário, reconhecido como um dos maiores momentos na história da música popular. Tudo foi filmado para um documentário lançado em 1970, Woodstock, com trilha sonora dos melhores momentos, e com a canção Woodstock, de Joni Mitchell.
Another short was 3 American LPs, which was the first film I did with Peter Handke. It was a film about American music, about three pieces of three LPs. There was a song by Van Morrison, another by Harvey Mandel, and one of Credence Clearwater Revival. It was mainly the music and some shots out of a car, landscapes out of the car window. And it had a little bit of commentary – dialogue between Peter and me about American music and about how American rock music was about emotion and images instead of sounds. That is to say, about a kind of phenomenon, that it was in a way a kind of film music, but without a moving picture. It was a 12-minute film and it was never shown. – Wim Wenders