Diego Michelotti


Stream Line
Contadino coi maiali
Rome, October 16, 1943. The Germans deport the relatives and friends of the little Giacomo Treves who fortunately escapes capture. The child is entrusted by a priest, Don Luigi.
Flávia, a Freira Muçulmana
Flavia's Father
Puglia, sul da Itália, por volta de 1400. Um convento é invadido pelo culto da Tarântula, cujos membros fanáticos e loucos profanam o lugar sagrado cometendo atos obscenos e sangrentos.
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Christophisis - Hellenes' Messenger
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
O Magnífico Aventureiro
Carlo V
Benvenuto Cellini knows no obstacles when it comes to creating a work of art or conquering the heart of a woman.
Duel of Fire
Antonio Franco's sister is been murdered by a gang of bandits. He swear vengeance and manage to infiltrate the gang to find the murders.
Son of the Red Corsair
Juan Herrero
Enrico di Ventimiglia, the Son of the Red Corsair, travels through the Spanish conquests of Central America in search of the stepsister he has never met.