Lady in the Hospital
O chefe da equipe de um hospital luta para encontrar um significado para sua vida durante uma enxurrada de mortes de funcionários.
Pawnshop Lady
Um retrato dos viciados que transitam na Praça Sherman, Nova York, que para os drogados que ali freqüentam é conhecido como "Parque das Agulhas". Dentro deste contexto é focada a trajetória de Bobby (Al Pacino), um viciado e pequeno traficante que se envolve com Helen (KItty Winn), uma jovem sem-teto que acredita que sua relação com o drogado é a estabilidade que necessita. Porém, ela também acaba se viciando e a vida de ambos entra em total decadência.
This omnibus release consists of three playlets filmed and aired during television's Golden Age, and starring some of the legends of film and television. The collection originally ran as a two-hour segment on December 14, 1959, on the anthology series The Play of the Week, broadcast locally in New York City via the independent radio station WNTA. Each "tale" in the anthology was adapted from a single tale by the inimitable Sholom Aleichem, regarded by many as the "Yiddish Mark Twain". Included are: "A Tale of Chelm" starring Zero Mostel and Nancy Walker in the story of a bookseller attempting to buy a goat; "Bontche Schweig" about a poor man (Jack Gilford) whose recent arrival in Heaven makes the angels cry; and "The High School" about a Jewish merchant (Morris Carnovsky) persuaded by his wife (Gertrude Berg) to let their son attend a particular high school despite the enforcement of quotas for Jewish students.
Lucy Lockman
Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in their ages, he strikes up a romance with divorced 24-year-old receptionist Betty. The relationship is dismissed by his daughter, Lillian, discouraged by his sister, Evelyn, and denounced by Betty's mother. But when Jerry begins to mention marriage, even Betty is forced to confront her ambivalence.
Toula, Nina's maid
Thriller - During World War II, Helmut Dantine specialized in playing villainous Nazis in Hollywood melodramas. He offers a compelling performance in a variation of these earlier roles in this suspense filled and politically loaded tale of intrigue. The story opens in German-occupied Athens during the darkest hours of the war. Civilians are not allowed on the streets after dark. - Helmut Dantine, Marianna, Irene Champlin