Mário Dias


Our Madness
Sound Designer
Seleção Oficial Mostra Forum do festival de Berlim 2018
Água para Tabatô
In mid-summer 2011, Paulo Carneiro and set out as assistant director for a film crew working on a project on the west African coast. There he unexpectedly ended up shooting his own film, a documentary report about a sinking ship near the coast of Guinea-Bissau on which he was a passenger. The digital camera records the growing panic on the ship after it has gotten stuck in the ocean in an oppressive nighttime atmosphere. In shaky interview footage, we see passengers move from an initial apathy to nervous anxiety, and from there fluidly to a fear for their lives. The growing tension on board is reflected in the film's ever quickening tempo.
Deste Lado da Ressurreição
Sound Editor
The film tells the story of a sister and a brother, Inês and Rafael. Since the divorce of their parents, their family never saw Rafael again. Inês runs away from home looking for him when she is told he is back at the Guincho Beach and surfing again. Rafael is an ex-surf champion who everyday gets himself inside the most dangerous waves to test the limits of his life. When the two brothers meet, Guincho makes them come together in a promise of paradise on earth, as it was the last place where their family lived together and in happiness. But Inês is surprised one day when she finds her brother looking fixedly to the Serra de Sintra mountain range, where the Convent of the Capuchos, which once was his refuge, is. She fears having brought him back the memories of the separation of their parents. Rafael is in a crisis of faith. When one day he disappears, Inês knows he went back to the convent, and she starts doing what she can to bring him back to her.
Morrer Como Um Homem
Sound Editor
A história do último inverno da vida de Tonia, uma veterana do espectáculo de travesti lisboeta. Enquanto Tonia luta contra a dependência da heroína de Rosário, o seu namorado heterosexual, o mundo à sua volta implode: o espectáculo de travesti agoniza, a concorrência de artistas mais novas ameaça o seu estatuto de vedeta. Pressionada por Rosário a dar o último passo para assumir a sua identidade feminina, a mudança de sexo que a irá transformar numa mulher, Tonia luta contra as suas mais profundas convicções religiosas. Se por um lado quer ser a mulher que Rosário deseja, por outro sabe que perante Deus nunca poderá ser essa mulher.
Juventude Em Marcha
Sound Editor
After the Portuguese government demolishes his slum and relocates him to a housing project on the outskirts of Lisbon, 75-year-old Cape Verde immigrant Ventura wanders between his new and old homes, reconnecting with people from his past.
Sound Mixer
Este documentário retrata, não o poeta e pintor Mário Cesariny, mas sim a sua vida, o seu percurso e a sua individualidade.