Story of a Parisian courtesan who tries to give true love a 2nd chance and falls in love with a young student only to come to the decision herself that even though she can be his lover, she cannot be the wife and mother that he and his family expect.
Vocalist - Opera Montage
Traça vagamente a vida do tenor Enrico Caruso (1873-1921). Ele ama Musetta, em sua cidade natal, Nápoles, e depois Dorothy, filha de um dos patronos do Metropolitan Opera. Caruso é inaceitável para os pais de ambas as mulheres: para uma, porque canta; para Dorothy, porque ele é um camponês. Para os patrícios de Nova York, Caruso é baixo, peito largo, barulhento, emotivo, não refinado. Sua apreciação vem lentamente. O filme retrata o lamento de Caruso de que "o homem não tem voz, a voz tem o homem": ele não pode estar nos lugares que quer, porque deve estar em outro lugar cantando, inclusive no dia da morte de sua mãe. Ao longo do filme, Mario Lanza e estrelas do Met cantam, inclusive com o 'menino' Luciano Pavarotti.
The historic Toscanini television concerts with the NBC Symphony Orchestra. This concert, broadcast in two parts, on 26 March and 2 April 1949, from NBC Studio 8H, features the opera "Aida" by Giuseppe Verdi. (Both broadcasts were released as "Vol. 3" in the DVD series.)
To hear is not the same as seeing and hearing! To watch Maestro Toscanini conduct this opera is a revelation. This man is a direct link to Verdi, Puccini and other great opera composers. He did the premier performances of many major operas. His tempos, phrasing, etc. must be considered definitive. I was mesmerized from start to finish. One will forget the soft black and white, and sometimes blurred images, the lack of subtitles, and the relatively limited sound frequency range, as the focus will be on what Toscanini is doing on the podium. Richard Tucker -- what can I say about Mr. Tucker? His performance was wonderful, clear, nuanced.