Takaya Ogawa


Samurai II: Duelo no Templo Ichijoji
Production Design
Neste segundo filme da Trilogia do Samurai de Hiroshi Inagaki (baseado na obra literária de Eiji Yoshikawa) Miyamoto Musashi parte em busca de seu aprimoramento como guerreiro, mas acaba encontrando dificuldades muito maiores do que o mero cruzar de espadas.
Miyamoto Musashi: Showdown at Hannyazaka Heights
Production Design
Depois de três anos de estudo, Takezo transformou-se em um samurai bem-educado, e tomou um novo nome - Miyamoto Musashi. Apesar de seu amor por Otsu, ele sai para continuar a seu treinamento, desafiando os espadachins da Yoshioka Dojo e lanceiros do templo Hozo'in.
Miyamoto Musashi 1: Zen and Sword
Production Design
Depois de Takezo (Musashi) e seu amigo Matahachi acabarem no lado perdedor da batalha de Sekigahara, Matahachi decide começar uma nova vida com uma mulher mais velha. Quando Takezo retorna para casa para contar à noiva de Matahachi, Otsu, e mãe, Obaba, o que aconteceu, ele acaba sendo caçado como um fugitivo - e pendurado no topo de uma árvore por um enigmático monge.
Chikamatsu's Love in Osaka
Production Design
The adopted son of an Osaka courier falls in love with a prostitute and, discovering that she is about to be purchased by a client, steals money from his employer to redeem her. Hunted criminals, the two young lovers take flight to Yamato, but, as in Chikamatsu's other domestic tragedies of love and duty (known as sewamono), they must be pursued and their passion destroyed by death. Favourite Uchida themes, such as the indenturing of a prostitute (cf. YOSHIWARA; A BLOODY SPEAR AT MT. FUJI), and his characteristic emphasis on performance and theatrical artifice re-emerge here; but the daring device of having Chikamatsu appear as a character - not unlike having Shakespeare interpolated into a film adaptation of one of his plays - is just one of many surprises this remarkable film holds. “Extraordinary” (Donald Richie).
The Forbidden Castle
From an original story by Shibata Renzaburo, the novelist who created such classics as: the "Nemuri Kyoshiro" series (Son of the Black Mass), "Destiny’s Son" etc. comes the complex story exploring the mystery behind why Ino Morimasa betrayed his sworn brother Ishida Mitsunari, thus leading to the defeat of the Toyotomi at the Battle of Sekigahara. Starring Nakamura Kinnosuke in one of the strongest performances of his career as Ino's estranged son seeking justice. Originally known as "The Forbidden Castle".
Tales of Young Genji Kuro
Genji Kurô is a master swordsman and entrusted with protecting the ancient sword Kaen by the Otsubo family.