Masanori Kobayashi

Masanori Kobayashi


Masanori Kobayashi


Trono Manchado de Sangue
Makeup Artist
Japão, século XVI. As guerras civis sacodem o país. Dois valentes samurais, os generais Washizu Taketori (Toshirō Mifune) e Miki (Minoru Chiaki), regressam aos seus domínios depois de uma batalha vitoriosa. No caminho, uma misteriosa senhora profetizao futuro de Washizu: o guerreiro se converterá no Senhor do Castelo do Norte. A partir deste fato Washizu, auxiliado por sua esposa Asaji Isuzu Yamada, se vê imerso numa trágica e sangrenta luta pelo poder. Trono Manchado de Sangue (蜘蛛巣城, Kumonosu-jō?, literalmente "Castelo Teia de Aranha") é um filme japonês de 1957 dirigido por Akira Kurosawa, que transpôs a obra Macbeth de William Shakespeare para o Período Sengoku japonês (séc. XV - XVI).
O Herói Sacrílego
Makeup Artist
Special Forces commander Captain Tadamori returns to Kyoto after successfully defeating the uprising of pirates in the western sea of Japan. But because the high courtiers dislike career soldiers gaining power and influence, they ignore the will of ex-Emperor Toba and refuse to reward the captain. Reward recommender Lord Tokinobu is punished, and the captain sends his son Kiyomori to the Lord's residence, where he falls in love with Tokiko, the Lord's daughter. Meanwhile, Kiyomori finds out that he is possibly the ex-Emperor's son... Written by L.H. Wong
Os Amantes Crucificados
Makeup Artist
No século XVII, esposa de um rico avarento vive insatisfeita e frustrada, e quando precisa de dinheiro para ajudar o irmão, recorre a um dos empregados do marido. Os dois são descobertos, mas o rapaz assume a culpa para salvá-la. Sabendo das traições do marido, ela decide arriscar tudo e fugir com o empregado.
Festa em Gion
Makeup Artist
In the post-war Gion district of Kyoto, the geisha Miyoharu agrees to apprentice the 16 year-old Eiko, whose mother was a former geisha who had just died. After a year of training they have to find a large sum of money before Eiko can debut. Miyoharu borrows the money from the tea-house owner, Okimi, who in turn obtains the money from the businessman Kusuda. Kusuda fancies Eiko himself and wants to give Miyoharu to Kanzaki in order to close a large business deal. However both geishas have minds of their own and, going against tradition, want to be able to say no to clients.