Roberta Wallach

Roberta Wallach

Nascimento : 1955-08-02, New York City, New York, USA


Roberta Wallach


Atiraram no Pianista
Jessica (voice)
Um jornalista musical de Nova York embarca em uma jornada em busca da verdade por trás do misterioso desaparecimento do virtuoso pianista brasileiro Tenório Jr. Uma história de origem comemorativa do movimento musical mundialmente famoso chamado Bossa Nova.
Poderia Me Perdoar?
Tom Clancy Groupie
Passando por problemas financeiros, a jornalista Lee Israel decide forjar e vender cartas de personalidades já falecidas, um negócio criminoso que dá muito certo. Quando as primeiras suspeitas começam, para não parar de lucrar, ela modifica o esquema e passa a roubar os textos originais de arquivos e bibliotecas. Baseado em uma história real.
Emerald City
Miss Julia Luxman
Irish construction workers built New York City and had a grand time doing it. Each guy on the Emerald City crew is struggling with something: drinking, gambling, loss, the burden of a family legacy, and facing a city that doesn't need them anymore.
Last I Heard
Angela LaRocca
Released from federal prison after 20 years due to his ailing health, a formerly powerful New York mobster moves back home and attempts to reconnect with former life in this poignant Sopranos-esque character study.
Reencontrando a Felicidade
Oito meses depois da morte acidental do filho de 4 anos, Howie e Becca tentam superar a dor. Howie quer guardar tudo que o faz lembrar do filho Danny, enquanto Becca quer vender a casa e recomeçar a vida. O relacionamento do casal começa a desmoronar quando Howie começa a sair com uma integrante do grupo de terapia para pais que perderam filhos e Becca procura o adolescente que causou a morte de Danny - e que também sofre com o sentimento de culpa.
Garoto Prodígio
O garoto Sean testemunhou o assassinato brutal de sua mãe e cresceu obcecado por vingança. Dessa forma, torna-se um rapaz quieto e estudioso durante os dias, e um herói à noite. Mas o que é um verdadeiro herói? Quem decide o que é certo e o que é errado? Ao passo que os limites se atenuam, a vida dupla de Sean traz à tona muitas dúvidas, e suas duas vidas ficam prestes a se colidir.
Men Without Jobs
Men Without Jobs is a comedy about Ish and Oz - best friends and roommates whose main goal in life is to avoid work at all costs. Ish is a graffiti artist who dreams of starting his own hip-hop band. Oz is an obnoxious loudmouth, addicted to gambling and cooking shows. When Ish collects several thousand dollars in a lawsuit settlement stemming from a childhood accident, Oz tries to convince him to invest the money in a pyramid scam in order to help him pay off a debt to a sadistic loan shark. The stakes are raised when Ish's girlfriend Veronica gives him an ultimatum to either get a job or get lost. Ultimately, the two eccentric slackers are forced to wake up and realize that sooner or later, everybody has to get a job! Written by Matthewz, Mad
O Melhor Ladrão do Mundo
Granola Woman
O Melhor Ladrão do Mundo, às vezes triste, às vezes engraçado, mas profundamente humano. A vida de Izzy não está nada fácil. Seu pai sofreu um derrame, e está paralisado numa cadeira de rodas. Sua mãe luta para sustentar a família, cuidar do pai e dos três filhos pequenos. Seus amigos do subúrbio de Nova York não são tão amistosos assim. Com seus poucos 11 anos, Izzy encontra refúgio invadindo casas quando os moradores estão ausentes. Nelas, ele descansa, faz um lanche, muda uma mobília de lugar, mas raramente furta algo de valor. Mas ele acaba tendo que cometer um ato de violência para que as coisas mudem. De preferência, para melhor. Embalado por uma trilha sonora original de ótimos hip hops de Prince Paul and Don Newkirk.
O. Henry's Christmas
Johnsy ("The Last Leaf")
Three episodes based on O. Henry's texts. The first deals with the friendship between a painter and two young women. The second, a young man who receives an insignificant amount of his uncle, as an inheritance. The third concerns two people who make it all possible when they give themselves love as Christmas presents.
A Amante
Jack Roth é um produtor de cinema que, após uma briga com um chefão de estúdio, foi colocado no ostracismo. Ele encontra um velho roteiro de Marvin Landisman, Roth acredita que o roteiro é bem atual e propõe para Landisman tentar realizar o filme. Marvin atravessa uma má fase na carreira, esta oportunidade é bastante tentadora. Mas é preciso dinheiro e Jack encontra três possíveis produtores: George Lieberhof, Carmine Rasso e Evan Wright, no entanto cada um quer que as respectivas amantes participem do filme em um papel importante.
Ted & Venus
District Attorney
Ted is a 1970s Venice Beach poet who spends his days drifting along the boardwalk, reciting his poetry to anyone who will listen. His life changes when a bikini-clad beauty named Linda strolls by him. Instantly, Ted believes he's found his "Venus" and becomes obsessed with Linda. He tries to woo her with poetry, obscene phone calls and romantic overtures, all to disastrous effect.
Partisans of Vilna
This extraordinary film tells the story of the men and women who formed the Jewish partisan movement in Vilna, Lithuania, during World War II. Using rare archival film footage dating from 1939 to 1944 and contemporary interviews with 40 partisan survivors (including Abba Kovner, a founder of the partisan movement and one of Israel's leading poets) the film explores the difficulties of organizing under the anarchic conditions of the ghetto.
Seven Women, Seven Sins
(segment "Greed")
Seven Women, Seven Sins (1986) represents a quintessential moment in film history. The women filmmakers invited to direct for the seven sins were amongst the world's most renown: Helke Sander (Gluttony), Bette Gordon (Greed), Maxi Cohen (Anger), Chantal Akerman (Sloth), Valie Export (Lust), Laurence Gavron (Envy), and Ulrike Ottinger (Pride). Each filmmaker had the liberty of choosing a sin to interpret as they wished. The final film reflected this diversity, including traditional narrative fiction, experimental video, a musical, a radical documentary, and was delivered in multiple formats from 16, super 16, video and 35mm.
Running Out
A young woman, unable to handle the stress of raising a family, runs out on her husband and young daughter. 12 years later, she returns in hopes of rekindling a bond with them.
O Romance Real de Charles e Diana
Princess Marguerite
The second Charles and Diana movie, with two virtual unknowns in the leads: Christopher Baines had acted on the British stage and on the BBC, but Catherine Oxenberg, a U.S.-born, British-raised professional model, here made her acting debut. Of particular interest was the casting of Dana Wynter as Queen Elizabeth, Stewart Granger as Prince Philip, Olivia de Havilland as the Queen Mother, and Ray Milland as a general factotum around the Palace.
Quando Dezembro Chegar
Jessica Winfield
Elizabeth Winfield is a retired teacher, who desperately tries to keep her family together. While she's traveling through the country and meeting her relatives, back in her hometown, a group of shopping mall developers are planning to take over her family land in order to begin their ambitious project. Now she needs to find ways to stop this construction in time before the town's annual festivities.
Os Cavaleiros de Hollywood
Shirley Weintraub
Led by their comedic and pranking leader, Newbomb Turk, the Hollywood Knights car gang raise hell throughout Beverly Hills on Halloween Night, 1965. Everything from drag racing to Vietnam to high school love.
Shari Smith
Q-SKY is the #1 radio station in Los Angeles mainly because of the music they play; running the station the way they want to, it has made them a ratings success.
The Phantom of the Open Hearth
Wanda Hickey
This comedy/drama was written by Jean Shepherd, who appears at the beginning and the end and narrates it through voiceover. It tells the story of several events as they occur through the eyes of Ralph, a high-school-aged boy. Ralph is anticipating the upcoming prom and is working up the courage to invite Daphne Bigelow, a beautiful and popular student who does not seem aware of his existence.
The Land of Hope
Devvie Barsky
Chronicles the experiences of four immigrant families as they experience the Lower East Side of New York during the early twentieth century.
O Preço da Solidão
A viúva de meia-idade Beatrice Hunsdorfer (Joanne Woodward) e suas filhas Ruth (Roberta Wallach) e Matilda (Nell Potts) estão lutando para sobreviver em uma sociedade que mal entendem. Beatrice sonha em abrir um elegante salão de chá, mas não tem os meios para alcançar seu objetivo grandioso. Epilética, Ruth é uma adolescente rebelde, enquanto a tímida mas altamente inteligente e idealista Matilda busca consolo em seus animais de estimação e projetos escolares, incluindo um projetado para mostrar como pequenas quantidades de rádio afetam malmequeres. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)