Costume Design
Archie (Gary Busey) odeia animais. Principalmente cães. É desagradável, inconveniente… e extremamente rico. Fez sua fortuna criando e vendendo os mais repulsivos vídeo games já realizados. Certo dia, ele se envolve num acidente automobilístico e acaba morrendo. Mas ao invés de ir para o inferno, onde mereceria estar, ganha uma segunda chance de retornar à Terra, mas na pele de um cachorrinho. E ainda por cima deverá executar uma lista de boas ações.
Costume Design
A badly abused girl of 6 is saved from having to be admitted to an institution by a dedicated Special Education teacher whose class she's been placed in until there is an opening in the hospital. In that time they form a strong bond and the child begins to heal. The teacher begins to think an institution is not what this child needs.
Costume Design
Teens camping in a northern California retreat are terrorized by mutant insects created by evil, polluting pot farmers.
Costume Design
Nick Davis é um agente secreto do FBI que tenta se infiltrar na Yakuza, a implacável máfia japonesa. Dentro da organização, Nick passa a cuidar da negociação de armas pesadas, mas logo terá que revelar sua verdadeira identidade.
Costume Design
Chronicling the short but eventful life of Hank Gathers (played by Donny B. Lord as a child and Victor Love as a young adult), this fact-based drama chronicles the hoopster's rise from the inner city of Philadelphia to a starring role on Loyola Marymount's basketball team before a heart condition cut his career short. Nell Carter plays Hank's supportive mom, and George Kennedy portrays a neighborhood priest who inspired the boy.