Peter Handford

Nascimento : 1919-03-21, Marylebone, London, England, UK

Morte : 2007-11-06


Jack Cardiff, Vida e Obra de um Cameraman
Ser o primeiro em alguma coisa é uma honra poucas vezes alcançada, e irá colocá-lo nos livros de História para sempre. O Eurochannel convida-os a conhecer uma impressionante lenda, um dos maiores cineastas da Grã-Bretanha, em Jack Cardiff: Vida e obra de um Cameraman.
Coração de Caçador
Production Sound Mixer
O veterano e consagrado cineasta John Wilson chega à África com todo o elenco e equipe de filmagens para rodar sua mais nova produção. Ele não demora a descobrir que a caçada de elefantes é um desafio à altura de seu temperamento indomável e acaba dominado pela obsessão de abater um destes animais, enquanto seu velho amigo e roteirista Pete Verrill e seu produtor, Paul Landers, tentam convencê-lo a todo custo a não abandonar o filme.
Ligações Perigosas
Production Sound Mixer
França, 1788. A Marquesa de Merteuil (Glenn Close) precisa de um favor do seu ex-amante, o Visconde de Valmont (John Malkovich), pois seu ex-marido está planejando se casar com uma jovem virgem e ela deseja que o Marquês, que é conhecido por sua vida devassa e suas conquistas amorosas, a seduza antes do dia do casamento. No entanto, ele tem outros planos, pois planeja conquistar uma bela mulher casada (Michelle Pfeiffer), que sempre se mostrou fiel ao marido e é religiosa. A Marquesa exige então uma prova escrita dos seus encontros amorosos e, se ele conseguir tal façanha, ela lhe promete como recompensa passarem uma noite juntos. Mas os jogos de sedução fogem do controle e os resultados são bem mais trágicos do que se podia imaginar.
Nas Montanhas dos Gorilas
Sound Mixer
A luta da antropóloga americana Dian Fossey (Sigourney Weaver), que em 1967 viajou para Ruanda, na África, e durante toda a vida se dedicou à preservação dos gorilas da montanha, ameaçados de extinção em razão da caça indiscriminada. Dian utilizou todos os meios possíveis para protegê-los e esta luta se tornou uma paixão tão obssessiva que nem mesmo Bob Campbell (Bryan Brown), seu namorado fotógrafo, consegue demovê-la do seu objetivo. Dian faz tudo que é possível para impedir que atrocidades contra os animais sejam cometidas.
Entre Dois Amores
Karen Blixen é uma rica dinamarquesa que vai morar em uma fazenda de café no Quênia com Bror Blixen-Finecke, um barão com quem se casou por conveniência. Mas o casal vive como se fossem mais amigos do que amantes e acabam se separando e Bror vai embora. Agora Karen está sozinha na fazendo cuidando do trabalho, mas conhece Denys Finch Hatton, um aristocrata inglês que se torna seu grande amor.
Determinação Vitoriosa / A Sauna
Sound Mixer
Steaming is the final film directed by Joseph Losey. It was adapted from Nell Dunn's play by Patricia Losey and Nell Dunn. It is about three women who meet regularly in a steam room and decide to fight its closure.
Mistérios na Bavaria
Sound Mixer
On the eve of World War II, zany heiress Amanda Kelly travels by train to Switzerland. While passing through Germany, she meets a sweet elderly lady, who suddenly vanishes. Distraught, she questions her fellow passengers who claim that the woman was never there. Unsure if it's all in her mind or if there's a more sinister plot afoot, Amanda teams up with photographer Robert Condon to discover the truth.
Joseph Andrews
Sound Recordist
Lady Booby alias 'Belle', the lively wife of the fat landed squire Sir Thomas Booby, has a lusty eye on the attractive, intelligent villager Joseph Andrews, a Latin pupil and protégé of parson Adams, and makes him their footman. Joseph's heart belongs to a country girl, foundling Fanny Goodwill, but his masters take him on a fashionable trip to Bath, where the spoiled society comes mainly to see and be seen, but drowns in the famous Roman baths. When the all but grieving lady finds Joseph's Christian virtue and true love resist her lusting passes just as well as the many ladies who fancy her footman, she fires the boy. He's found and nursed by an innkeeper's maid, which stirs lusts there, again besides his honorable conduct, but is found by the good parson.
A Inglesa Romântica
Sound Recordist
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.
Assassinato no Expresso Oriente
O detetive Hercule Poirot está a bordo do Expresso do Oriente quando um passageiro é encontrado morto. Amplamente desprezada, a vítima tinha muitos inimigos, e Poirot tem que peneirar um grupo excêntrico de suspeitos para encontrar o assassino.
A Casa da Boneca
Sound Mixer
Nora Helmer lives a quiet life with her husband, Torvald, in a small Norwegian town. While he works diligently at a bank, she looks after their children. But Torvald doesn't know that several years ago, when he was very ill and she was desperate for money, Nora forged a loan document and has been secretly working to pay the money back ever since. The arrival of her friend Kristine prompts Nora to re-evaluate her life and confront Torvald.
Hitler: Os Últimos Dez Dias
Sound Recordist
Baseada em testemunhas oculares, o filme acompanha os últimos dias de Hitler (Alec Guinness) antes de ter cometido suicídio, percorrendo desde os momentos em que passou no bunker com seus capangas militares até sua relação conturbada com Eva Braun (Doris Kunstmann).
Charlie Bubbles
Sound Recordist
Charlie Bubbles, a writer, up from the working class of Manchester, England, who, in the course of becoming prematurely rich and famous, has mislaid a writer's basic tool – the capacity to feel and to respond. Now he must visit his estranged wife and son, whom he has set up on a farm outside his native city. His journey accidentally becomes an attempt to reestablish his connections with life, people, and his own history.
Chamas de Verão
Mademoiselle, uma professora neurótica de uma pequena aldeia de Corrèze, aproveita a chegada de verão dos trabalhadores italianos para ceder às suas fantasias: ela provoca incêndios, envenena o gado... um sedutor irresistível, aparece como o culpado ideal. Mademoiselle então se oferece ao lenhador, antes de denunciá-lo por estupro. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Darling: A Que Amou Demais
Sound Recordist
Diana Scott é uma modelo ambiciosa determinada a chegar ao topo. Usando sua sexualidade, ela controla os homens poderosos à sua volta, mas acaba se tornando prisioneira do estilo de vida que tanto desejava.
The Uncle
Sound Mixer
Gus is a seven-year-old uncle who struggles with the responsibility placed upon him when his nephew Tom comes to spend the summer holidays with his family.
O Mundo Fabuloso de Billy Liar
Sound Recordist
O preguiçoso e irresponsável Billy Fisher trabalha como assistente em uma funerária no norte da Inglaterra. Seus devaneios constantes e histórias desprovidas de verdade são a causa das más decisões que afastam seus amigos e familiares, que o apelidam de “Billy Mentiroso.”
A Ilha Misteriosa
Sound Recordist
Inspirado no popular romance de Jules Verne, o filme conta a história de um grupo de soldados da guerra civil americana que, após uma desastrosa viagem de balão, acaba indo parar numa ilha do Pacífico, onde se deparam com monstruosos animais e com o famoso capitão Nemo.
Tudo Começou num Sábado
Sound Recordist
Um operário de 22 anos se solta nos finais de semana: bebendo, brigando e namorando duas mulheres, uma das quais é mais velha e casada, mas grávida de seu filho. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
O Anfitrião
Archie Rice, an old-time British vaudeville performer sinking into final defeat, schemes to stay in show business.
Santa Joana
Sound Recordist
Young Joan of Arc comes to the palace in France to make The Dauphin King of France and is appointed to head the French Army. After winning many battles she is not needed any longer and soon she is thought of as a witch.
Private's Progress
Sound Recordist
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
It's a Great Day
Sound Recordist
Big screen spin off from the BBC TV series The Grove Family, ostensibly the first British soap opera. Bob Grove, a builder has problems with the council, over building supplies that he needs to complete a job on a local housing estate. Under pressure to finish the job, his son gets them from a local crook. When the council find out, they call in the police, so the Grove family get together, to clear themselves, in time for the grand opening.
Quando o Coração Floresce
Sound Recordist
Middle-aged Ohio secretary Jane Hudson has never found love and has nearly resigned herself to spending the rest of her life alone. But before she does, she uses her savings to finance a summer in romantic Venice, where she finally meets the man of her dreams, the elegant Renato Di Rossi.
Front Page Story
Sound Recordist
A workaholic newspaper editor lets his wife leave on the holiday without him just at that time some important news stories break, including a plane crash, the one which his wife took....
Gift Horse
Sound Recordist
Compton Bennett's war drama The Gift Horse follows the fortunes of ageing destroyer The Ballantrae and her crew from the time they come together in 1940 until the climactic raid on occupied St Nazaire in 1942. Trevor Howard plays Lt Cmdr Hugh Alginon Fraser, the newly appointed captain, back in service after having left the navy following a court martial.
Curtain Up
Sound Recordist
In a small town in the 1950's a repertory company meets on Monday morning to start rehearsing the following week's play. This is a ghastly thing written by the aunt of one of the theatre's directors. The producer doesn't try to hide his annoyance about it, and is further exercised when the authoress herself arrives to help. The cast have to try and sort out real-life problems that keep intruding as they wrestle with the play's dire dialogue.
The Lady with a Lamp
Sound Recordist
Based on the Reginald Berkeley stage play, this compelling historical drama offers a depiction of the life story of Florence Nightingale (Anna Neagle), the young 19th-century Englishwoman famously drawn to a career in nursing. Traveling to Turkey during the Crimean War, Florence gains a reputation for being devoted to the care of wounded soldiers and for pioneering higher standards for sanitary hospital conditions.
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Sound Recordist
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
Sound Recordist
The film is based on the true story of Special Operations Executive French-born agent Odette Sansom, who was captured by the Germans in 1943, condemned to death and sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp to be executed. However, against all odds she survived the war and testified against the prison guards at the Hamburg Ravensbrück Trials. She was awarded the George Cross in 1946; the first woman ever to receive the award, and the only woman who has been awarded it while still alive. (From Wikipedia, licensed under CC-BY-SA)
Foragidos da Noite
Sound Recordist
Londoner Harry Fabian is a second-rate con man looking for an angle. After years of putting up with Harry's schemes, his girlfriend, Mary, becomes fed up when he taps her for yet another loan.
Sob o Signo de Capricórnio
Sound Recordist
Em 1831 o irlandês Charles Adare (Michael Wilding) viaja à Austrália para começar uma nova vida. Logo ao chegar conhece o poderoso Sam Flusky (Joseph Cotten) e descobre que a esposa deste, Henrietta (Ingrid Bergman), foi sua colega de infância. Bela e instável, Henrietta é agora uma atormentada alcoólatra e sua reaproximação de Charles desperta ciúmes em Sam.
Maytime in Mayfair
Sound Recordist
Penniless man-about-town Michael Gore-Brown is delighted to hear he has been left a high-class Mayfair fashion salon. His intention is to sell it as quickly as possible, but on meeting Ellen, chief designer and manager, he quickly changes his mind and turns his attention to courting her.