József Konrád

Nascimento : 1921-11-06,

Morte : 2010-08-28


Nekem Budapest
Different genres of short stories about the lives of the city, the people of Budapest presented an individual point of view.
Silêncio e Grito
Silêncio e Grito de Miklós Jancsó é ambientado durante uma era turbulenta de inquietação, medo, perseguição e terror, que permeia todos os cantos da sociedade pós-Primeira Guerra Mundial húngara. Em 1919, depois de poucos meses de governo comunista, a República Húngara dos Concílios foi vítima de uma contra-revolução nacionalista. O Almirante Horthy, líder do movimento nacionalista de extrema direita, torna-se o auto-proclamado regente da Hungria, e assume o poder como chefe de Estado legal. Soldados do efémero exército vermelho húngaro estão agora em fuga de implacáveis polícias secretos e unidades de patrulha da Guarda Real nacionalista. Se capturados, os ex-soldados do Exército Vermelho são executados sem piedade ou julgamento adequado. István Cserzi, um ex-soldado do Exército Vermelho fugiu para as Grandes Planícies Húngaras e refugiou-se numa fazenda, administrada por duas mulheres simpáticas. Devido à generosidade destas mulheres e um antigo amigo de infância...
I'll Appeal to the Minister
A comedy about the organisation of agricultural co-operatives. In the village of "Rendes", everybody has already entered the co-op, only the stubborn farmer, Bódog Balogh continues to resist. The leadership plays all their tricks and uses all their efforts, but all in vain.
Fatia Negra
The old, sickly Demeter Lapussa is a tyrant in the family. He forces his granddaughter, the beautiful Henriette, to marry baron Hátszegi, although the girl loves the penniless Vámhidy Szilárd. The two lovers attempt to commit suicide, then are torn away from each other.
St. Peter's Umbrella
Assistant Director
A comedy about a lost inheritance, love and a red umbrella, which, according to a local legend, belonged to St. Peter himself.
Nagy István, the formerly poor peasant boy returns to his native village as a teacher. His conviction is that the abyss between rich and poor can be diminished by good will. The rich Böröcz Horváth Klári returns his love, and also Böröcz Horváth is willing to help the poorest family, the Bakos. Bakos Jóska, who was sent to serve the tough Böröcz Horváth as a payment, dies of an infected wound and the people in the village hold the teacher liable as well. Nagy István realises, that the abyss cannot be ceased, what is more, it is impassable. He breaks up with his fiancée and stands by the side of the poor.