Loïc Lefebvre

Loïc Lefebvre


Loïc Lefebvre


Uma Juíza Sem Juízo
GIGN man
A poderosa juíza Ariene Felder resolve abaixar a guarda e aproveitar a festa de ano novo da firma. O problema é que depois de alguns meses ela descobre que está grávida e não sabe quem é o pai.
Two lives with two different way of seeing things. What if happiness was just a question of point of view?
Bir-Hakeim, le maquis des patriotes
Cdt Barrot
Engagement Rings
Louis and Marco are in love. They hold hands when out together. One night, they are tear-gassed in a deserted street. They'd just celebrated their first year together and had offered each other an engagement ring. Louis and Marco no longer hold hands. When they're now outside their home, they wear a ring that unites them when they're apart, a ring that has become the symbol of a love that someone tried to destroy and that is now kept secret.