Carmen Méndez

Carmen Méndez


Carmen Méndez


Out of Sync
In the latest from director Juanjo Giménez, a sound designer must rethink her career and life when her vision and hearing fall out of sync.
Bad Investigate
Quando Romeu, um subcomissário da polícia corrupto, obriga dois canastrões que tem no bolso, Alex e Cid, a ludibriar o agente Sam Folkes do FBI, o caldo está internacionalmente entornado. A sua missão de perseguir Xavier, um perigoso traficante em rota de vingança, tem tudo para correr mal.
Luzía visits the eight stages of the 'pilgrimage' that the intellectuals Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risco and Ben-Cho-Shey hiked from Ourense to San Andrés de Teixido in 1927; the story of the journey was published in the book ‘Pelerinaxes I’ (Pilgrimages I). She carries out this journey in order to finish up an audiovisual project about Otero Pedrayo’s book started at the University, together with a colleague who passed away in an accident.
La ley que olvidaron
The employee of a boarding house raises the daughter of a single mother and loves her so much that she kidnaps the girl and goes to jail.