Giovanni Troilo


Power of Rome
Frida: Viva a Vida
O documentário conta as paixões e tormentos da icônica artista mexicana Frida Kahlo. Veja uma reconstituição da vida e da produção artística do pintora surrealista por meio de filmes e documentos de época.
Frida: Viva a Vida
O documentário conta as paixões e tormentos da icônica artista mexicana Frida Kahlo. Veja uma reconstituição da vida e da produção artística do pintora surrealista por meio de filmes e documentos de época.
Monet: Magia de Água e Luz
Uma excursão através dos museus onde as obras-primas de Monet, génio do Impressionismo, estão expostas: o Museu Orangerie, o Museu Marmottan, o Museu Orsay , acabando na casa de Monet e nos jardins em Giverny.
Charleroi used to be known for its thriving coal and steel industries. This city near the Belgian capital of Brussels once attracted people seeking work from all over Europe. But it has now come to symbolize the problems plaguing the entire continent: increasing unemployment, immigration and petty crime – and a growing sense of unease. To make matters worse, rain seems to be constantly falling from the gray blanket of clouds looming over the dilapidated apartment blocks and slumbering factories. Charleroi has become a spooky place, and that feeling is only confirmed by the stories supplied by residents and passersby in this poetic film.
Charleroi used to be known for its thriving coal and steel industries. This city near the Belgian capital of Brussels once attracted people seeking work from all over Europe. But it has now come to symbolize the problems plaguing the entire continent: increasing unemployment, immigration and petty crime – and a growing sense of unease. To make matters worse, rain seems to be constantly falling from the gray blanket of clouds looming over the dilapidated apartment blocks and slumbering factories. Charleroi has become a spooky place, and that feeling is only confirmed by the stories supplied by residents and passersby in this poetic film.
William Kentridge, Triumphs and Laments
The artist portrays the glories and tragedies of the Eternal City along the banks of the Tiber river in Rome.
A middle aged American woman unexpectedly discovers her true origin after her parents died. Deeply moved, in the midst of an identity crisis, she decides to travel, hoping to find her birth mother whom she hads never known. She goes to a small and remote place in the South of Italy, Montedoro.