Chu Ching-Man


Rouge of the North
Costume Design
In this drama, the harsh treatment of women in Chinese society is examined and subtly commented upon as it tells the tale of an impoverished woman living in Shanghai, circa 1910 who tries to support her brother and sister-in-law. A marriage to a wealthy man is arranged for her, and reluctantly she endures it, even though she does not love the man who is as cruel as he is wealthy. His mother is also brutally unkind to her. She then has a son, but her struggles are not over when her husband dies and only leaves her a modest inheritance. Her wretched life has made her bitter, and so she begins making her son suffer as she die; she also becomes addicted to opium.
Poeira no Vento
Costume Design
Aparentemente feitos um para o outro, um casal de jovens namorados abandona sua pequena cidade para viver em Taipei, onde começam a procurar trabalho. Aos poucos, a relação vai se deteriorando frente às dificuldades que encontram no dia-a-dia.
Um Tempo para Viver, um Tempo para Morrer
Costume Design
O filme apresenta a história de uma família chinesa que se muda para Taiwan. A princípio temporária, a nova moradia acaba se tornando definitiva.
The Green, Green Grass of Home
Wardrobe Designer
A substitute teacher from Taipei arrives in a country village to teach a class of mischievous students. He soon falls in love with nature, country life and a fellow teacher at the school.
Shaolin Traitorous
Costume Design
The plot is a standard revenge tale told in a concise manner that involves a boy witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of corrupt officials and growing up to achieve vengeance. The boy goes to Shaolin Temple to learn kung fu in a superb training sequence that ranks with some of the better-known Shaolin Temple scenes in kung fu cinema. By the time the boy has completed his training, he has grown up to be Carter Wong and soon sets out on his mission. He meets Polly Shang Kwan along the way and, after some initial antagonism, the two become allies and confront the villains. The bad guys employ a particularly clever maneuver involving dozens of imperial guardsmen performing a variety of formations on cue (including standing on each other's shoulders, three men high) as Sammo Hung bangs out different drumbeats. Sammo and Carter engage in a particularly exciting bout against the backdrop of a mountainous landscape midway through the film.
He Heals and Kills
Costume Designer
Martial arts film from Taiwan