Giovanni Morosi


Tuareg: Desert Warrior
Makeup Artist
In a desolate section of the Sahara once ruled by the French, two thirsty men stumble into the camp of a Tuareg warrior where they're given water and shelter. Soldiers from the new Arab government now arrive by Jeep and demand the two men be turned over to them. The warrior refuses, citing the sacred laws of hospitality. The soldiers shoot dead one of the men and carry off the other - a political foe of the new government. The warrior mounts his camel and rides off to rescue his kidnapped guest.
Fuga do Bronx
Makeup Artist
A poderosa e inescrupulosa corporação que domina Manhattan inicia uma operação militar para expulsar todos os moradores do Bronx, visando demolir os prédios velhos e construir ali condomínios para moradores da alta sociedade. Quando os mercenários contratados pelo conglomerado começam a exterminar os moradores do Bronx como ratos, a única esperança de salvação passa a ser o herói solitário Trash, sobrevivente do massacre das gangues.
Forbidden Dreams
Makeup Artist
Paolo Coniglio is a naive and clumsy employee in a comics publishing house, bullied by his manager and his terrible future mother-in-law. To escape his dreary daily routine, he finds himself living vivid daydreams with "Dalia", the beautiful heroine of the books that he's translating. One day, though, while shopping, Paolo meets a charming blonde that looks like Dalia, and finds himself trapped in a shady intrigue.
Makeup Department Head
A surreal erotic fantasy about a young woman who checks into a bizarre, labyrinthine hotel.
O Último Tubarão
Makeup Artist
"O Último Tubarão" extrapola qualquer falsa sutileza e copia, praticamente na íntegra, o enredo de "Tubarão", o sucesso mundial de Steven Spielberg. Como o nível de picaretagem estava mais alto que o de costume (tanto que no Brasil o filme saiu como um produto da franquia "Tubarão") - e esse filme estava dando mais lucro que "Tubarão 2" -, Spielberg e cia. decidiram processar os italianos por plágio. Como o roteiro é praticamente igual ao da obra de Spielberg, não vamos perder tempo esmiuçando a trama e similares, vamos pra parte que interessa: todo o sangue que a versão americana escondia, esse aqui mostra; se Spielberg (espertamente) quase não mostra o peixão pra criar suspense, aqui - mesmo não tendo 10% dos recursos - Castellari mostra o tubarão e todos seus dentes (de plástico) à cada ataque, mesmo que não tenha efeitos eficientes o suficiente pra isso (mais disso adiante).
I carabbimatti
Makeup Artist
Day of the Cobra
Makeup Artist
An American narcotics agent is murdered in Italy. The head of the department decides to hire Larry Stanziani, 'The Cobra'. Larry, a former agent and now a third-rate private detective, uses the opportunity to get even with an old enemy, but soon he finds out he's facing a relentless organization
Peccati a Venezia
Skin Deep
Makeup Artist
Juan Carlos Naya stars as teenaged Danny, whose summer vacation with three friends and some nudists from Norway turns into a real mess as sexual rivalries and jealousy escalate into Lilli Carati's attempted suicide.
Assistant Makeup Artist
Calígula é uma das mais polêmicas produções do cinema, o único que mostra o show de perversões que o Império Romano escondia. Este filme conta a história de Calígula, o mais louco dos imperadores, que mantinha um bizarro caso sexual com sua irmã e era casado com a mais infame das prostitutas. Ao mesmo tempo que Calígula vivia cercado de bajuladores, tinha também inimigos perigosos, loucos para vê-lo longe do poder.
Flatfoot in Africa
Makeup Artist
Inspector Rizzo in Napoli gets a message from a policeman from South Africa who wants to meet him. Immediately before this meeting the south African policeman is killed. Dying he shows Rizzo a picture of his little son Bodo. Rizzo travels to Johannesburg to find out what the policeman was working on and to find Bodo.
O Expresso Blindado da S.S. Nazista
Makeup Artist
Em 1944, na França, um grupo de prisioneiros militares americanos fugitivos a caminho da Suíça se voluntaria para roubar uma ogiva de foguete V2 nazista para os Aliados.
Makeup Artist
Alfredo, jailed for theft and fraud, after having served the sentence discovers that his wife Adelina no longer wishes to live with him.
Beauty and the Beast
Makeup Artist
Decameron-style collection of entertaining short stories with such diverse themes as nymphomania, bestiality, and masochism.
A Esposa do Juiz
Makeup Artist
Intransigent magistrate Viola Orlando is targeted by her rivals who set her twin sister Rosa — a high-class prostitute and pornographic photo-novel star — up to impersonate Viola and demolish her reputation. To complicate things even further, Viola is torn between enforcing the law or giving up her seat on the bench to marry her childhood friend.
The Day That Shook the World
Makeup & Hair
Historical depiction of the events preceding the political murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, would-be emperor of the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo, June 28, 1914. A World War would start there, that some claim has not yet ended - merely changed fighting grounds once in a while
Savage Three
Makeup Artist
By day, Ovidio (Joe Dallesandro) and his two friends work at a data center. After work, they blow off steam by committing random acts of savage violence, swiftly graduating from sparking a riot at a football game to vehicle theft, rape, and murder. The police are convinced this recent spate of crimes is politically motivated, but world-weary veteran Commissario Santaga (Enrico Maria Salerno) suspects a far more terrifying explanation: that these young men are motivated by nothing more than boredom and disaffection at civilized society. As Ovidio's behavior escalates, a psychological game of cat-and-mouse ensues between the two adversaries, building towards a shocking final confrontation.
Prelúdio para Matar
Makeup Artist
Um pianista inglês testemunha um brutal assassinato, mas não consegue identificar o criminoso. Algo na cena o inquieta, o levando à uma compulsiva necessidade de desvendar o caso.
Yuppi Du
Makeup Artist
Felice Della Pietà is indifferent to money and the turbulences of life. His wife Sylvia simulates suicide in order not to live in poverty with him.
Makeup Artist
A beautiful girl Rosina lives In Rome. Her husband is strong as a bull and jealous as Shakespeare's Othello. Once the husband of Rosina kills a wealthy aristocrat, who sang the serenade to his wife, and now he is hiding from justice.
Little Funny Guy
Makeup Artist
Movie starts with a small boy watching his father boarding a ship to America. Years later, all grown up and in colour, Pippolo Cavallo (Adriano Celentano) takes the same route (dressed as a woman) to search for his father and begin a new life.
Quatro Moscas Sobre Veludo Cinza
Assistant Makeup Artist
O músico Roberto Tobias está sendo seguido há dias por um homem que não conhece. Ao confrontá-lo num teatro abandonado, acaba matando acidentalmente o desconhecido, e no mesmo momento uma figura mascarada fotografa o crime. A partir de então, Tobias começa a ser perseguido implacavelmente por um vilão que não pretende matá-lo, mas enlouquecê-lo aos poucos com a lembrança da culpa do ato que cometeu.
I due assi del guantone
Makeup Artist
Two waiters who work in a restaurant, whose owner is a big boxing fan, pretend one of them is a boxer and the other his manager. The supposed boxer wins his first matches thanks to set ups organized by the other but when he beats a champion from another part of town, he is severely beaten up by his supporters.
The Story of Romance and Knife
Makeup Artist
The story of fish-monger Nino of Rione Borgo. Nino is in love with Rosa but he always manages to postpone their wedding.
Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù?
Assistant Makeup Artist
During a monologue on the theme of adultery, a man reviews a series of famous and anonymous cases of conjugal betrayals ...
An Angel for Satan
Makeup Artist
At the end of the 19th century, in a little Italian village by a lake an old statue is recovered. Soon a series of crimes start and the superstitious people of the village believe that the statue carries an ancient malediction.