Charles Schuyler
Good Bones is a comedic coming-of-age story set in the cutthroat world of Hamptons Real Estate. Danny O'Brien, 22, dedicates one last summer to his family's failing real estate agency, and to his father Joe's seemingly obsolete values: poetry, integrity, and community. The O'Briens are challenged - endangered - by heartless capitalist modernism, as practiced by the liars and cheaters at Superlative Properties, realtors to the Ultra-Wealthy and Fabulous. Danny complicates the game by falling in love with Clare, a beautiful and suspiciously sophisticated Superlative summer intern. All is framed by the mad swirl of "summer people" who party, sleep around and generally amuse themselves as they indulge in the excesses of "The Season." And key players chase the grand prize: the open auction, on Labor Day, of Tilden Point - the last great parcel of virgin land on the East Coast.
Restaurant Owner
Sonny Koufax tem 32 anos de idade e passou toda a sua vida fugindo das responsabilidades. Mas quando sua namorada decide trocá-lo por um homem muito mais velho, ele resolve provar que está pronto para uma vida adulta com o objetivo de reconquistar o seu grande amor. Desesperado, Sonny adota um menino de cinco anos, Julian, para tentar impressionar a ex-namorada. Sem jeito para ser pai, aos poucos Sonny aprende a lidar com a nova situação e passa a gostar da criança.