Lucius Brutus
An outlaw terrorist organization led by Cleopatra, Mark Antony, and Julius Caesar plot to create a new government after WWIII. Only three men will stand in their way at all costs with the fate of the future of humanity depending on them.
Led to believe his abusive grandfather is responsible for his sister's recent death, Gabriel returns to his humble home in rural New Mexico. Yearning to protect his family, he swears to secretly kill his grandfather, yet at the critical moment, his plan is foiled and the two men are forced to spend the day together. Both war veterans, they begin talking about their traumatic experiences. Gabriel realizes the world is not as black and white as he once thought it was. Slowly, he is forced to take responsibility for his own role in the family crisis.
Quando a esposa de Roman (Ashton Holmes) é sequestrada por traficantes de pessoas, ele e seus irmãos ex-militares começam a tentar rastreá-la para salvá-la antes que seja tarde demais. Durante a sua busca, roman une forças com Avery (Bruce Willis), um policial que investiga o tráfico de pessoas e combate a prejudicial e corrupta burocracia.
Após escapar do labirinto, Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) e os garotos que o acompanharam em sua fuga da Clareira precisam agora lidar com uma realidade bem diferente: a superfície da Terra foi queimada pelo sol e eles precisam lidar com criaturas disformes chamadas Cranks, que desejam devorá-los vivos.