In this harrowing character study, Jacqueline McKenzie portrays Penny, a young woman lost in a dangerous abusive relationship. One day, she sets out with her son, supposedly to bring him to school, but instead their day becomes one extended adventure in the extreme netherworlds of sex, drugs, abuse, and criminal behavior.
Cientistas usam um código genético alienígena para criar uma menina que parece comum. Eles têm ordens para matar a criança --uma mistura de humano e alien-- após o nascimento, mas ela cresce depressa, consegue escapar e agora quer se reproduzir.
Sam Connor kidnaps his young daughters, April and May, sells them to strangers, and accidentally kills his wife when she attempts to intervene. Sixteen years later, April is an out of control outlaw who has come into a life of drugs and crime, while May has grown into a straight laced, refined woman. The plot thickens when April avenges her mother's death by killing her father, and May is sent to jail as the prime suspect. Fortunately, Detective Arman, instantly taken with May, fights for her innocence and tries to get her out before she is taken down by other hostile prisoners.
Esta sequência da clássica Chinatown encontra o detetive particular Jake Gittes ainda assombrado pelos eventos do primeiro filme. Contratado por um homem para investigar as infidelidades de sua esposa, Jake mais uma vez se vê envolvido em uma complicada trama envolvendo assassinato, petróleo e até mesmo alguns fantasmas de seu passado.