Ronald Yamamoto


Bem-Vindos ao Paraíso
Harry Kawamura
Durante a 2a. Guerra, Jack McGurn se apaixona e se casa com Lily, filha de um japonês. Depois do ataque a Pearl Harbor, os descendentes de japoneses são acusados de traição e enviados a um campo de concentração, incluindo a esposa e a filha de Jack.
Armadilhas do Poder
Sam Toya
Carmine Bonavia wins election as the mayor of New York on a promise to legalize drugs. After the election, he marries Carrie and goes to his ancestral home of Sicily for their honeymoon. In his hotel, he meets Il Principe, a Sicilian prince who has spent years confined to the hotel because he crossed the Mafia. Amid the beauties of Sicily Carmine discovers that men of power will stop at nothing to prevent the legalization of drugs, which threatens their business.
Crocodilo Dundee II
Fuji (Kung Fu Tourist)
Após salvar sua namorada Sue Charlton das mãos de um chefão de drogas de Nova York, Mick Dundee decide levá-la para um lugar mais seguro: sua Austrália natal. Lá Dundee prepara uma calorosa recepção aos perseguidores de Sue.
Wall Street: Poder e Cobiça
Bud Fox é um jovem ambicioso que trabalha no mercado de ações. Ele fará de tudo para chamar a atenção do bilionário Gordon Gekko, abandonando qualquer escrúpulo e ética para enriquecer. Mas ele irá aprender que com o sucesso vêm grandes riscos.
Aging New York cabbie Flanagan still has hopes of making it as a stage actor. He can recite any Shakespeare sonnet and is facile with accents, but he can't land an agent or a job. During the course of one summing-it-all-up day, he drives his cab around the city dealing with fare evaders, an insolent stage manager determined to keep him from auditioning for his choice director, his estranged wife who has a new lover, his mistress who seems awfully close to her "drawing teacher", and two teenage sons whose bright visions of the future don't seem to include jobs. If he can only cope with all the annoyances of this day, maybe he can deal with the limitations in his abilities and his future.