Victor Seguin


Spirit of Ecstasy
Director of Photography
Jeanne lives on a military base with an abrasive father, forced to care for their younger siblings while dreaming of breaking out of the family’s milieu by becoming a high-powered financial analyst.
Blue Jean
Director of Photography
Jean, a PE teacher is forced to live a double life. When a new student arrives and threatens to expose her, Jean is pushed to extreme lengths to keep her job and her integrity.
Amour Océan
Jeanne, 17, enjoys the last days of summer before getting back to high school. One morning, with her little sister Camille, they decide to run away from the police station where they live with their father to see the ocean one last time. On the beach, Jeanne meets a young surfer. He’s handsome, she’s intrigued. Jeanne feels a strange desire invading her.
Director of Photography
Julie luta sozinha para criar seus dois filhos no subúrbio e manter seu emprego em Paris. Quando ela finalmente consegue uma entrevista para um cargo correspondente às suas aspirações, uma greve geral eclode, paralisando o transporte. Ela então embarcará em uma corrida frenética para salvar seu emprego e sua família.
Edifício Gagarine
Director of Photography
Yuri, 16, viveu toda a sua vida em Gagarin Towers, um vasto projeto habitacional de tijolos vermelhos nos arredores de Paris. Ele sonha em se tornar um astronauta. Quando os planos de demolir as Torres Gagarin vazam, Yuri se junta à resistência. Com seus amigos Diana e Houssam, ele embarca em uma missão para salvar sua casa, que se tornou sua “nave estelar”.
Back Home
Director of Photography
It is the farm on which Thomas was born. It is his family. His brother, who won’t be coming back, his mother, who is about to do the same thing, and his father, with whom nothing has ever been possible. He finds there everything from which he had fled twelve years earlier. But today there is Alex, his six-year-old nephew, and Mona, his passionate mother.
The Tongues
During a blizzard on the tundra, a Sámi woman is herding her reindeer when she is raped by a man. Her sister who is far away senses that something is wrong and starts looking for her. Wrapped in fear and confusion, both women will unite in their fight for revenge.
Cão Azul
Emile tem medo do mundo. Ele não sai mais de sua casa e pinta tudo de azul. Uma noite, seu filho Yoan conhece Soraya, uma adolescente que é fã da dança tamil. Ela vai ajudar Emile a encontrar o matiz certo.
Director of Photography
Marlon is visiting her mother in jail for the first time since her imprisonment.
Mars IV
Director of Photography
2053. Four astronauts, assisted by a robot, are on a two-year mission in an subterranean base on Mars. An unexpected discovery puts them face to face with a grave responsability with regard to Earth. They then start falling prey to violent hallucinations.
The Republic of Enchanters
Ghislaine dances on the roof, Kamel makes himself look smart, and Salomon lies to his brother. Their three stories recount an entire high-rise block, a Republic of Enchanters.
Youri tem 20 anos e sempre morou com a mãe em um bairro social perto de Paris. Mas seu prédio será demolido por causa de um projeto de renovação urbana. Youri não aceita a ideia de sair de casa: aquela é sua espaçonave.
Tarim the Brave Against the Thousand and One Effects
As he is going to save a princess imprisoned in the dungeon of an evil sorcerer, Tarim understands that he is the main character of a movie, and decides to fight against the special effects.
Oleg is a young soldier, alone and lost in the middle of the desert.