Alexey Bahar

Alexey Bahar

Nascimento : 1928-04-14, Algashtyk

Morte : 1979-11-17


Alexey A. Bahar (13 April 1928 — 17 November 1979) — Soviet film and theater actor.


Alexey Bahar


The End of the Emperor of the Taiga
The film plays one of a little-known pages of the biography of Arkady Gaidar, the young man when he was appointed commander of the detachment CHON (special-purpose parts)...
The Soldier and the Elephant
Chairman of kolkhoz
Soldier Armenak is given an extraordinary task: to transport an elephant from Germany to the Yerevan Zoo.
And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning
О друзьях-товарищах
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers
The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...
Guerra e Paz 4 Pierre Bezukhov
Russian Soldier
Parte 4, e última, do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Assim que Moscou começa a ser incendiada pelos russos em retirada, os Rostovs fogem de sua propriedade, levando soldados feridos com eles, e sem perceberem, levam também o príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre Bezukhov, vestido como um camponês, tenta assassinar Napoleão, mas é feito prisioneiro. Como os Franceses são forçados a recuar, Pierre marcha por meses com a Grande Armée, até ser libertado por uma incursão de um pequeno destacamento. Os franceses são derrotados pelo general Mikhail Kutuzov na Batalha de Krasnoi. O príncipe Andrei é reconhecido e é levado para sua propriedade. Ele perdoa Natasha em seu leito de morte. Ela se reúne com Pierre e eles se casam quando Moscou está sendo reconstruída.
Strong with Spirit
lieutenant Dunaev
Story of a Russian intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov (known as lieutenant Paul Wilhelm Zibert) who worked in the capital of occupied by fascist troops Ukraine. 960 days and nights were left until the end of the Second World War.
The Road to 'Saturn'
man at the recruitment office
A first part of story about a Soviet spies trying to infiltrate German Intelligence center "Saturn" during and after the WWII.
Song of a Falcon
A paint-on-glass animated film (one of the first of its kind) about a dying falcon and a stupid snake.
Hello, It's Me!
otchim Tani
Artyom (Armen Dzhigarkhanyan) is a scientist who buries himself in his work after the woman he loves dies during the war. He is informed of his sweetheart's death by a young woman, and soon love blossoms between the lonely doctor and the emerging beauty. This is the big-screen debut of Margarita Terekhova in the popular film that was seen by over 20 million in the USSR.
Guerra e Paz 1 Andrei Bolkonsky
Russian Soldier
Parte 1 do mega filme soviético Guerra e Paz (1966), uma adaptação em 4 partes do romance de Leon Tolstoi de 1869. Em São Petersburgo de 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, filho ilegítimo de um nobre rico, é apresentado à alta sociedade. Seu amigo, o príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky, junta-se ao exército imperial russo como ajudante de campo do general Mikhail Kutuzov na Guerra da Terceira Coalizão contra Napoleão.
Guerra e Paz
Russian Soldier
Adaptação épica do clássico homônimo da literatura mundial, de autoria de Leon Tolstói. O início do século dezenove é tomado por grandes acontecimentos. Cada vez mais próximas da fronteira russa, as tropas de Napoleão Bonaparte prometem fazer valer os intentos expansionistas de seu líder, trazendo guerra para o solo russo. Enquanto isso, uma complexa história de amor se desenvolve entre a Condessa Natasha Rostova e o Conde Pierre Bezukhov, casado com outra mulher. O filme também foi dividido em 4 episódios.
The letter
According to the same story by L. Panteleev. About the feat of the young Red Army soldier Pyotr Trofimov, who, on a mission, delivers a package with a report to the headquarters of the Budyonny army.
A Balada do Soldado
The Driver (uncredited)
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o soldado de 19 anos Alyosha é condecorado por destruir dois tanques mas troca o prêmio por uma semana de licença para visitar sua mãe e consertar o telhado de sua casa. O caminho é longo e ele vai de trem em trem, vendo diversas facetas da sociedade e as mazelas da guerra. No trem conhece Shura e viajando juntos, se apaixonam.
The Blue Arrow
Carl, a diver-saboteur
An officer accidentally leaks information about the first test of a new aircraft model. When spies get hold of this classified information, the development of the new airplane is under threat.
A Tale of First Love
Southern seaside town. High school students Olya and Mitya met at sports classes, made friends. Suddenly the girl's mother dies and Olga, left in the care of a semi-literate aunt, decides to leave school and go to work. Mitya's family, and first of all, of course, he himself, already in love with Olya, convinces her to move to live in their house. Participation and caring attention literally returns the girl's interest in life and further studies. However, rumors spread around the school about the cohabitation of two students, and hints were made about the intimacy of their relationship. As a result, young people quarrel. But real friends and family of Mitya are trying to help the lovers sort out their feelings.
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Marine Hunter
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