Michèle Nolet


Going for Broke
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With the innocent dropping of a few coins into a video poker machine, Laura Bancroft's world is about to change forever. Inspired by true events, Going for Broke is the compelling, hard-hitting story of one woman's overwhelming addiction to gambling.
Fuga Alucinada
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Neste filme de ação cheio de adrenalina, quatro jovens formam um quadrilha de assaltantes que pratica esportes radicais em suas fugas. Slim, o cabeça do grupo planeja uma sequência de cinco roubos, onde conseguirão cerca de 20 milhões de dólares em cinco dias. Mas agora, eles terão de enfrentar a policia e a máfia russa. Para se safar, eles precisarão mostrar toda as suas habilidades.
Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde
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In New York in 1995 Dr. Richard Jacks is a creator of perfumes. Thus he spends his days inventing new colorful and well smelling potions and certainly caring for his girlfriend Sarah Carver. But when he discovers that his greatgrandfather, called Dr. Jekyll, was a scientist with revoluntionary discoveries, he tries to follow the footsteps of his ancestor and creates more and more delicate potions until one of them converts him into a spectacular superwoman: Helen Hyde. Knowing that Richard has no clue of her existence Helen enforces a professional career at the back of her "creator".
Johnny Mnemonic, o Cyborg do Futuro
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Em 2021, metade da população do mundo sofre de uma doença fatal chamada "NAS". Johnny, um mensageiro cibernético, é contratado para carregar o chip com os dados da cura dentro do cérebro até Newark, sendo perseguido por empresários gananciosos.
Amor e Restos Humanos
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In a Canadian metropolis, failed actor David shares a place with the bookish Candy, whom he dated before coming out as gay. While David, who now waits tables, pursues an aimless romance with a younger coworker, Candy dabbles in both same-sex and heterosexual affairs. As David and Candy's odd assortment of friends — including a telepathic sex worker and an ill-tempered yuppie — pass in and out of their beds, a serial murder stalks the city's women.