Justin Thomas Billings


Sharon 1.2.3.
Jonah is a true nerd turned successful businessman who is living the dream with two gorgeous women named Sharon. But the dream gets too real when he meets the third Sharon and falls in love.
Tráfico de Mulheres
Inspirado numa história real. Com lucros acima do obtido pelas maiores empresas do mundo, rendendo centenas de bilhões de dólares anualmente, o tráfico de mulheres escraviza milhares e milhares mundo afora, colocando mulheres inocentes no mundo da prostituição. Inspirado em personagens reais, extraídos do premiado best-seller de Siddharth Kara, este filme retrata a história de três jovens, da América, da Nigéria e da Índia. Depois de serem vítimas de um elaborado esquema internacional de tráfico humano, elas acabam como escravas sexuais em um bordel no Texas. Juntas, elas tentam fugir de seus captores e reclamar sua liberdade!
Visual Effects Coordinator
Quando uma força sobrenatural causa estragos numa cidade europeia devastada pela guerra, um engenheiro se une a uma equipe de elite para detê-la.
Newly-engaged Conor and Roxy celebrated a small, impromptu engagement party with a close group of friends at a relative’s lake house. Thomas Mitch, a filmmaker, was in attendance. Conor, knowing that Mitch would attend, used the opportunity to work on his junior psychology dissertation project: a collection of video interviews. Mitch brought his Canon XH-A1 HD video camera with him and began recording. The camera was found, still recording, by the police. They refuse to release the tape. Was absinthe the cause of the murders? You decide.
Newly-engaged Conor and Roxy celebrated a small, impromptu engagement party with a close group of friends at a relative’s lake house. Thomas Mitch, a filmmaker, was in attendance. Conor, knowing that Mitch would attend, used the opportunity to work on his junior psychology dissertation project: a collection of video interviews. Mitch brought his Canon XH-A1 HD video camera with him and began recording. The camera was found, still recording, by the police. They refuse to release the tape. Was absinthe the cause of the murders? You decide.
Newly-engaged Conor and Roxy celebrated a small, impromptu engagement party with a close group of friends at a relative’s lake house. Thomas Mitch, a filmmaker, was in attendance. Conor, knowing that Mitch would attend, used the opportunity to work on his junior psychology dissertation project: a collection of video interviews. Mitch brought his Canon XH-A1 HD video camera with him and began recording. The camera was found, still recording, by the police. They refuse to release the tape. Was absinthe the cause of the murders? You decide.
Newly-engaged Conor and Roxy celebrated a small, impromptu engagement party with a close group of friends at a relative’s lake house. Thomas Mitch, a filmmaker, was in attendance. Conor, knowing that Mitch would attend, used the opportunity to work on his junior psychology dissertation project: a collection of video interviews. Mitch brought his Canon XH-A1 HD video camera with him and began recording. The camera was found, still recording, by the police. They refuse to release the tape. Was absinthe the cause of the murders? You decide.
Newly-engaged Conor and Roxy celebrated a small, impromptu engagement party with a close group of friends at a relative’s lake house. Thomas Mitch, a filmmaker, was in attendance. Conor, knowing that Mitch would attend, used the opportunity to work on his junior psychology dissertation project: a collection of video interviews. Mitch brought his Canon XH-A1 HD video camera with him and began recording. The camera was found, still recording, by the police. They refuse to release the tape. Was absinthe the cause of the murders? You decide.