Stéphanie Serre


L’Age de Bronze
La Cinémathèque offered the filmmaker Marcel Hanoun to make a retrospective of his work, a new film, the one of his choice: a "free" film, which means free to the filmmaker of to see and hear what he wants, who he wants, and, ideally, to make it known and heard by everyone.
A cello player is asked by her daughter why she suddenly interrupted her musical career… The voices and images of the two women intertwined with the author’s give way to thought, vision. Confessions of lives dedicated to creating.
Marcel Hanoun, chemin faisant
Feature film.
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous 2
The crew aboard the Romano Fafard spaceship continues their mission. Captain Patenaude and his acolytes land on planet: Crème hydratante pour le visage soulage la peau sèche (moisturing cream for the face soothes dry skin!) in hopes of finding the ship’s probe, accidentally crashed, that they must have in order to move the Earthlings. Their search is in vain, but it leads them to the tyrannical Governor Supreme who rules the planet. Just when the governor is about to tell them where to find a new probe, there’s a terrible explosion. Will the captain and the Romano Fafard find a liveable planet where they can move six billion Earthlings? And if so, when?