Director of Photography
Fragmented memories of a voyeur in 3 chapters: "I grew up" but I’m still falling. "The stalker" who loses his footing. "Memory" and regression.
The members of a debt-ridden family reunite in an evanescent Tangier, running away from painful memories but at the same time clinging to a past they do not want to forget. Their childhood home and its magnificent estate are due to be sold in early autumn; increasingly, summer days fade into distant memory.
Director of Photography
We see a succession of scattered glam images: beat-up figures on lucid papers and dreamlike landscapes, until the (apelike) apparition of a model and her photographer. Together, they will play martyr and demiurge. They will attempt to achieve grace in a world of moving surfaces.
Director of Photography
Quatro episódios sobre a família do diretor Elia Suleiman desde a década de 40. Os diários do pai, combatente da resistência, e cartas deixadas pela mãe reconstroem a vida dos cidadãos de Israel e do próprio Estado.
Director of Photography
A collective film of 33 shorts directed by different directors about their feeling about cinema.
Dos muçulmanos na Bósnia-Herzegovina aos cristãos no Líbano, dos Bektashis da Macedônia aos sírios da Turquia, o diretor Jacques Debs nos ajuda a descobrir dois grupos de pessoas há muito esquecidas ou ignoradas - os muçulmanos na Europa e os cristãos no Oriente Médio.
Director of Photography
Você já imaginou uma ninja palestina? É com imagens cômicas como essa que "Intervenção Divina" desarma o conflito entre israelenses e palestinos. O filme retrata uma série de histórias engraçadas, sobre pessoas que parecem viver somente para destruir a paz alheia - como uma gangue de adolescentes palestinos que, por pura sacanagem, perseguem e apunhalam um Papai Noel ou de um homem que joga lixo na propriedade de sua vizinha. O próprio diretor Elia Suleiman interpreta um apaixonado palestino que tenta enganar de forma cômica o exército israelense para se encontrar às escondidas com sua amada. As situações são hilárias. "Intervenção Divina" faz você ver as desavenças da região por seu lado mais divertido!
Director of Photography
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
A Senegalese storyteller travels to Belgium and observes the lives of African expatriates in Europe. Dreams and struggles great and small are explored.
Director of Photography
A determined young woman in a remote Tunisian city bucks tradition by studying for an academic degree, instead of accepting the time-honored, submissive role of her sex as a wife and housekeeper for some 'mustached man'.
The first full length film to be shot within the disputed Palestinian West Bank "Green Line," FERTILE MEMORY is the feature debut of Michel Khleifi, acclaimed director of the Cannes Film Festival triumph, WEDDING IN GALILEE. Lyrically blending both documentary and narrative elements, Khleifi skillfully and lovingly crafts a portrait of two Palestinian women whose individual struggles both define and transcend the politics that have torn apart their homes and their lives.