Leah Popple


O Desconhecido
Production Design
Um policial disfarçado constrói uma conexão intensa com um suspeito de assassinato para ganhar a confiança dele e conseguir uma confissão.
Production Designer
While scouting locations for a university project, Eva crosses paths with Mia; later, they meet again at a house party, and an intense friendship soon forms between the introverted student filmmaker and the inscrutable but magnetic performer. As the pair becomes ever more entwined, so does the supernatural begin to entangle with the everyday, revealing the cracks between memory and make-believe, reality and fantasy. All the while, Eva seeks to better understand her friend – and her own self – leading her deeper into the surreal rabbit hole that is Mia’s life.
Segredos do Passado
Set Decoration
Aaron Falk retorna à sua cidade natal para assistir ao trágico funeral de seu amigo de infância, que assassinou sua esposa e filho antes de tirar a própria vida. Relutantemente ele decide ficar para investigar o caso e, aos poucos, começa a suspeitar que tanto a morte de seu amigo, quanto a de um jovem adolescente - ocorrida há uma década - poderiam estar conectadas.
Production Designer
A therapist is unable to leave her workplace where she helps abusive men.
Strange Colours
Production Designer
Milena travels to a remote opal mining community to see her estranged, ill father. Lost and alone, she falls into his bewildering world, where men escape society and share ideals of freedom. Soon, he doesn’t want her to leave. Stuck in time, father and daughter try to mend their fractured bond, but their connection is fragile, like the strange, colourful gems he digs up from the earth.
Acute Misfortune
Production Design
The film adaptation of Erik Jensen's award-winning biography of Adam Cullen is the story of the biographer and his subject, as it descends into a dependent and abusive relationship.
Casting JonBenet
Production Design
Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.
A Síndrome de Berlin
Art Department Assistant
Clare (Teresa Palmer) é uma fotógrafa australiana que está passando férias em Berlim. Lá, ela conhece Andi (Max Riemelt), um jovem carismático que logo conquista a atenção da moça. A atração entre os dois é instantânea e eles acabam passando uma noite juntos. No entanto, quando Clare acorda na manhã seguinte, se vê sozinha e presa no apartamento de Andi.
Conspiração e Poder
On Set Dresser
Durante a reeleição, uma jornalista suspeita que George W. Bush mentiu sobre a participação norte-americana na Guerra do Vietnã. A denúncia, que vai ao ar pela rede CBS, desencadeia um jogo de intrigas e pressões políticas que abala a credibilidade da emissora e pode mudar a carreira dos envolvidos para sempre.
There Is No Such Thing as a Jellyfish
Production Design
Hannah walks through the city, observing people and objects, searching for something, looking at delicious pastries. She is on her way to an appointment with a tarot reader and inside and house space unfolds like the walls of a dream, only to reveal a pair of rummaging thieves. Alone, Hannah is entering a mystery and the clues are sparse and uncertain. She floats like a jellyfish, but perhaps there is no such thing.
There Is No Such Thing as a Jellyfish
Hannah walks through the city, observing people and objects, searching for something, looking at delicious pastries. She is on her way to an appointment with a tarot reader and inside and house space unfolds like the walls of a dream, only to reveal a pair of rummaging thieves. Alone, Hannah is entering a mystery and the clues are sparse and uncertain. She floats like a jellyfish, but perhaps there is no such thing.