Dina Félix Costa

Dina Félix Costa


Dina Félix Costa


Índice Médio de Felicidade
2012, Portugal entrou em colapso e Daniel, como milhares de portugueses, perdeu o emprego e deixou de poder pagar a prestação da casa. A mulher foi-se embora para a aldeia natal e levou os dois filhos com ela. Os seus dois melhores amigos encontram-se ausentes Almodôvar foi preso quando, desesperado, procurava encontrar uma solução e Xavier está fechado em casa, profundamente deprimido porque o site que os dois criaram para as pessoas se entre-ajudarem foi um absoluto fracasso. Mesmo assim, Daniel não desiste de ter esperança...
O lugar que ocupas
We stare at mirrors as if 'image' was a weapon of self-defense. At night, I hide in actors' dressing rooms for a working class experience. By day, I face an old theatre being razed to the ground, making way for a parking lot. Graffitis have curtains, the nose cap of an umbrella arises from a mount of sand. Oh, Happy Days! No need to stage anything! The bulldozer is a dinosaur whose teeth and gracious neck swings by a EU flag. In the boxes, we await the audience. Sometimes, nobody comes. Lost in a symbolic show of reality, I can only watch the world's end because all the endangered species perform and a reflecting labyrinth of life stories breaks through the glass of the Economic Eating Machine. Even when the sky is falling, theatre will always happen. So, choose the right place.
Bolor Negro
Certo dia, uma mulher apareceu no Vigilatório de Enfermidades Comuns e Ordinárias com queixas de prurido. Um estranho bolor instalara-se nas suas costas...
Outra Forma de Luta
In early 1985, the writer Nuno Bragança hands his friend Carlos Antunes a 13 question’s questionnaire; 13 sheets of graph paper, of which he offered the recto-verso of each for his friend to answer. The questions were about Carlos Antunes’ personal and political career, with a special interest in his involvement in the Revolutionary Brigades and the armed struggle against the dictatorship that led to his arrest in 1978. The untimely death of the writer, in the same year, left the questionnaire unanswered and some uncertainty as to its purpose. After almost 30 years, the director asks Carlos Antunes to answer the 13 questions and to reconstruct the achievements, illusions and sorrows of the Revolutionary Brigades in Portugal, in the years surrounding the Carnations’ Revolution in 1974.
Donzela Guerreira
Emilia is a writer, living in Lisbon in the year 1959. She is the “Damsel Warrior”, a fictional woman composed from the literary universes of Maria Judite de Carvalho and Irene Lisboa, writers of the city and the characters that inhabit it.