Com a esperança de que a pandemia esteja chegando ao fim, Didem se prepara há mais de um mês para uma festa de Réveillon. Todos os seus entes queridos podem finalmente se reunir e compensar o tempo perdido, mas o comunicado de quarentena atrapalha seus planos. Ozan está decidido a deixar sua esposa ter a festa que ela merece. Ele convida os vizinhos para a festa, e a diversão começa.
Sema and Hale, who lost their father, get together at the funeral. After the funeral, the two of them, who have a bad relationship, start arguing while they are on their way home together. On the way, they encounter an event that they never expected, and this will force them to make a choice between their conscience and their decency.
The film tells the poignant story of a soldier crossing the roads in a winter. Soldiers from different places should adapt to the military. Those men with dreams, goals, fears, and ambitions will learn to develop themselves in the toughest conditions of their military service, learn what it means to be a soldier, and have to fight with the demons in themselves.