Paco Pharrez


Bailando con la más fea
A couple of bums watch many situations unfold at a home across the street.
A wild police officer attempts to rescue a child from the hands of kidnappers.
The Scent Of Death 2
Two students want to interview young drug addicts. A gang member robs his equipment, cameras and recorders; to reclaim them, they must become acquainted with the band of "Los Chuchos". The drug dealer of the band decides to be in charge of them. He rapes the young student and is willing to kill his companion.
Guerreros diabólicos
Members of a satanic cult kidnap women who are then held captive until the next satanic ritual.
Mark of the Killer
The Only Witness
Kyle Cooper
A paid assassin who fights a criminal organization in order to find the person responsible of his mother’s death, beginning with the organization’s leader down to the very last one. Then he discovers that the only witness of his mother’s murder is...
Por un vestido de novia
Young woman's character flaws and aristocratic pretensions become an obstacle when she falls in love and decides to marry. Numerous lives are ruined.
Una gallina muy ponedora
Segundo Muerto
El Cain del bajio
Family conflicts and shady business practices lead to fratricide. And then...
Tragam-me a Cabeça de Alfredo Garcia
El Carpintero
Alfredo Garcia engravida a filha de um latifundiário mexicano que, revoltado, oferece 1 milhão de dólares por sua cabeça. Um músico arruinado descobre que o procurado já está morto e corta a cabeça do defunto para receber a recompensa.