Phil Morrison


Last Call
Last Call
Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Women
Soldier #2 (segment "Mamusha")
First in a series of anthology films dealing with Christians who put their lives on the line to help rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In the first of two short films, "Mamusha," as the Nazis invade her country, a Polish Catholic housekeeper takes under her wing the youngster in the Jewish family for whom she is employed, and shepherds him through WWII in hopes of ultimately getting him repatriated to Palestine. In "Woman on a Bicycle," an unmarried French woman is pressed into service by the church to distribute underground communication pamphlets for the Resistance and ultimately ends up helping the church shelter 19 Jews.
Death Junction
A small-time drug pusher is caught in the middle of a war between rival Jamaican drug lords, and is accused of stealing a major shipment.
Death Junction
A small-time drug pusher is caught in the middle of a war between rival Jamaican drug lords, and is accused of stealing a major shipment.
Death Junction
A small-time drug pusher is caught in the middle of a war between rival Jamaican drug lords, and is accused of stealing a major shipment.
Baile de Formatura IV: A Chacina Continua
Possuído pelo demônio, o maligno Padre Jonas comanda um massacre durante um baile de formatura, nos anos 50. É aprisionado e, como as autoridades eclesiásticas não conseguem exorcisá-lo, resolvem mantê-lo em coma induzido, pelo tempo que o assassino viver. Depois de ser mantido escondido e inconsciente por 33 anos, Jonas acorda e consegue escapar. De volta às ruas, ele procura novas vítimas para alimentar sua sanha assassina. Por coincidência, encontra candidatos a cadáver entre os novos formandos da escola da cidade.