Dmitry Sobolev


The Heroine
And it was glorious Vityaz Borispol prediction that he would have a son who will be a great warrior and save Russia from the great affliction. But, as always, everything turned out the opposite: the hero was born ... my daughter. And salvation of Russia has not been canceled. How to fight the enemy, when he had three heads, each with its flourishes?
Russia’s answer to U.S. box-office hit “The Social Network”, the movie tells the story of a pair of Moscow students in the mid-90s who create an internet search engine that becomes one of the largest in the world.
A young truck driver from a small, nameless Russian town sets off on a spiritual journey that has no actual purpose and no verifiable destination, encountering lonely women and small time crooks along the way.
20 cigarettes
One day in the life of a modern young man - manager of a large advertising agency. For this day he smokes a pack of cigarettes, with every cigarette and scene of the film a whirlwind of events and conflicts swirls around him more and more densely ...
Ostrov: A Ilha
1942, Segunda Guerra Mundial. Alemães capturam uma embarcação soviética no Mar Branco. Um jovem marinheiro entra em pânico e trai seu amigo, assassinando-o por ordem do inimigo. Ele pensa que sua vida está a salvo. Contudo, uma explosão afunda o barco. O ano é 1976. Em um pequeno monastério escondido em uma ilha no Mar Branco, náufragos estão abandonados. Eles estão esperando pela ajuda de Anatoly, um velho monge que é conhecido pelo seu poder de cura e previsão, mas que carrega consigo um terrível pecado. Qual é a conexão entre o marinheiro e o monge atormentado? (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Kolkhoz Entertainment
Summer 1989. A people of kolkhoz are forced to produce a show in order to get additional financing.