Former detective Gunpei Wakatsuki (Masao Kusakari) and former big thief Otomatsu Sekiya (Takashi Sasano), who live in the luxury elderly housing with care “Sharaku Home”, are a trio of 6th grade elementary school students, Isamu Tachikawa. Meet (Keita Ninomiya), Shota Inoki (Sotora Motomura), Chika Takami (Himena Negishi). One day, a baby is taken away at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic run by Isamu's father, Hiroshi Tachikawa (Takeyuki Yue). During the three minutes his mother went to the kiosk, she disappeared.
Assistant Director
Street racers challenge each other to exceed the current speed record held by the F1 racer. However, in order to break the record of the Megalopolis Express Freeway, you need to have "luck" in addition to a high-powered street-machine and driving technique. And you must be able to conquer the "Devil’s Curve". Racers bet their dreams and their lives against one another in a dangerous game of speed.