Mathias Fain


Pencils Down! The 100 Days of the Writers Guild Strike
In 2007, the Writers Guild of America, the Screenwriters Union, hit an impasse in their contract negotiations with the Studios. At the center of the dispute was jurisdiction over the internet. Unable to make progress, the WGA called a strike which brought Hollywood to a halt for 100 days.
Bad Actress
Production Designer
Alyssa Rampart Pillage is a washed up TV queen whose career has been reduced to starring in commercials for her husband Bernie’s appliance empire. When their tree hugging daughter Topanga dies in a tragic golf ball accident, Bernie goes off the spiritual deep end and tries to give away their fortune with disastrous results. But what starts off as tragedy quickly turns into career re-invention for Alyssa. And as the body counts rises, so does her star. Bad Actress is a guilty pleasure of a film that gleefully mocks the world of Hollywood and Fame, which reminds us that Justice has nothing on Celebrity.Written by Anonymous (
Rise: A Ressurreição
Set Dresser
Sadie é uma repórter investigativa que descobre um culto subterrâneo que está atraindo jovens hippies de Los Angeles. Seduzidos pela promessa de grandes festas, esses garotos começam a aparecer mortos, e quando Sadie tenta chegar ao fundo da história, se torna a vítima. Ela acorda no necrotério, nem viva nem morta, uma vampira consumida pelo insaciável desejo de sangue. Tentando desesperadamente brigar contra essa sede, Sadie decide ir atrás das pessoas que a tornaram uma vampira. Ela se une ao detetive Rawlins, que teve sua filha assassinada pelo clã, e os dois buscam juntos suas vinganças.
Os Reis de Dogtown
Set Dresser
Nos anos 70 as ruas de Venice, na Califórnia, foram palco de uma revolução no mundo do skate. Um grupo de amigos decide levar os movimentos do surf para o skate, criando movimentos agressivos e sinuosos. Eles formam os Z-Boys, um grupo que na sua grande maioria é formado por jovens que levam uma vida difícil em casa. Treinando em piscinas vazias da cidade, eles aos poucos vão se tornando verdadeiras lendas dentro do universo do skate.
Written In Blood
Art Direction
Detective John Traveller (Peter Coyote) is convicted of the murder of his wife and her lover. His partner and friend, Detective Matthew Ransom, becomes very upset, affecting his marriage that was not working well. The lover of John's wife was the son of Luke Williams, a detective of the same department, and he does not accept the death of his son. After the trial and conviction of John, Matthew separates from his wife Mary Ramson, being sexually arrested by John's daughter Jude. Meanwhile, a serial killer kills the enemies of John, leaving clues in the crime scenes relatives to Sherlock Holmes tales and Matthew suspects of Jude.
Director of Photography
When Zack, a 20-something writer, moves from Maine to Hollywood to pursue his career dreams, he meets his favorite actress, Sally Kirkland, who hires him on the spot to be her personal assistant, and so much more.