Dominique Vieillard


The First 54 Years: An Abbreviated Manual for Military Occupation
Sound Mixer
An exhaustive explanation of how the military occupation of an invaded territory occurs and its consequences, using as a paradigmatic example the recent history of Israel and the Palestinian territories, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, from 1967, when the Six-Day War took place, to the present day; an account by filmmaker Avi Mograbi enriched by the testimonies of Israeli army veterans.
Sankara Is Not Dead
Sound Editor
After Burkina Faso's October 2014 popular uprising, the young poet Bikontine starts to question his dreams of seeking a better life in the West. He decides to go meet his fellow citizens along the country's only rail line. From South to North, through cities and villages, he learns about their dreams and disappointments, confronting his poetry with the realities of a rapidly shifting society. His journey ultimately reveals the enduring political legacy of storied former president Thomas Sankara, assassinated in 1987 and known as the "African Che Guevara."
Looking for Rohmer
Sound Editor
The first homosexual love story themed movie to receive approval for theatrical release in China. The film follows the initial meeting of, and the subsequent secret relationship between Zhao Jie and Rohmer. They decide to travel to Tibet together. During their travels they are involved in an incident which leads to the death of a child. Although they are not responsible, they feel a lot of guilt. They quarrel about it and end up going separate ways. Later Zhao Jie learns that Rohmer has been in an accident on a glacier and, torn with remorse for not having helped him enough after the earlier incident, Zhao Jie goes to find him.
Mémoires d'un condamné
Latifa: A Fighting Heart
Sound Editor
After her son is killed in a terrorist attack, French-Moroccan Latifa becomes an influential activist striving to prevent such attacks. In this documentary, we follow Latifa as she travels France with unstinting energy, discussing integration, racism and of course Islam. Emotions at times run high.
O Filho Uruguaio
O filho da francesa Sylvie Felipe foi sequestrado pelo pai, Pablo, logo após do divórcio do casal. A polícia francesa consegue localizá-los, mas deixa ambos escaparem. Decepcionada, ela decide assumir o caso, procurar o filho e fazer justiça com as próprias mãos.
Between Fences
Sound Designer
Never Die Young
An unnamed man narrates the downward trajectory of his life from beyond the grave, from delinquency to the string of fateful decisions and foolhardy moves that tied him inextricably to the opiate that was the elusive love of his life.
Closer to the Moon
Sound Designer
A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of bank robbers to pull off a heist by convincing everyone at the scene of the crime that they are only filming a movie.
El Sicario, Room 164
No quarto 164 de um hotel sujo perto da fronteira entre México e EUA, um homem com o rosto coberto por um pano preto fala sobre sua vida. Ele dá detalhes sobre seus 20 anos de trabalho para um narcotraficante mexicano, revelando a grande corrupção das autoridades locais.
El Sicario, Room 164
Sound Editor
No quarto 164 de um hotel sujo perto da fronteira entre México e EUA, um homem com o rosto coberto por um pano preto fala sobre sua vida. Ele dá detalhes sobre seus 20 anos de trabalho para um narcotraficante mexicano, revelando a grande corrupção das autoridades locais.
Cópia Fiel
Sound Editor
Um escritor inglês está na Itália lançando seu mais novo trabalho sobre História da Arte, um livro onde defende que as cópias de obras artísticas possuem tanto valor quanto a original. Elle, dona de uma galeria, fica interessada em conversar mais com o autor e o convida para um café. Na conversa os dois vão discutir o argumento do livro, e após a dona da cafeteria confundi-los com um casal, irão, de certa forma, colocar a tese do livro em prática.
Sound Mixer
A Chilean family deals with the new values in a quickly changing world.
The Magic Gloves
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
This film follows the crisscrossed fortunes of, among others, a rock musician, a flight attendant, a dog walker with an alarming penchant for over-the-counter medication, and a cab driver, who doesn’t really care about his life spiralling out of control, as long as he can sit in his old Renault 12.
O Fato Completo ou À Procura de Alberto
Sound Mixer
De início tudo era relativamente simples. Eu procurava um rapaz de origem africana, entre os 16 e os 18 anos para incarnar o papel de Alberto no filme que eu acabara de escrever. Como não eram actores, pedi aos candidatos que me contassem uma história à escolha. O que me deram foi um bocado de vida, e fizeram-no com uma tal generosidade e autenticidade que era eu quem estava em causa. Seria eu capaz de reencontrar a mesma força, a mesma emoção?
1974, une partie de campagne
Sound Mixer
Following the 1974 French presidential campaign with Valery Gicard d'Estaing
Yo sor Alice
Sound Mixer
In December 1977, two French nuns, Alice Domon and Léonie Duquet, were kidnapped in Buenos Aires by a squad of commandos from the Argentinean Navy. They were held and tortured at the ESMA - the School of Naval Engineering and were never seen again. Moving tale based on letters Alice Domon sent to her family and friends back home as well as on the testimony of many friends in Argentina who remember her humanity and courage. She shared the lives of those in need, helped heeling their sick and bringing in their crops. And she raised their political awareness - which brought her to the attention of the regime. A film retracing recent history that is by no means in the past.
O Ódio
Sound Mixer
Um dia na vida de três jovens delinquentes, um árabe, um judeu e um negro que moram num conjunto habitacional pobre de Paris, mostra a que ponto pode chegar a discriminação racial de policiais hostis.
Autumn - October in Algiers
Sound Mixer