Pierre Milon

Pierre Milon


Pierre Milon


Director of Photography
@Arthur.Rambo - Ódio nas redes
Director of Photography
Arthur Rambo é um pseudônimo de alguém que espalha mensagens de ódio nas redes sociais. Mas, quem ele seria na verdade? Talvez um jovem e inconsequente escritor frustrado, empenhado em fazer sucesso? Quando a verdade vem à tona, a vida e a carreira de um jovem escritor descendente de imigrantes é colocada duramente em xeque.
Mali Twist
Mali, 1960. The youth of Bamako dance the twist to rock and roll music newly imported from the West and dream of political renewal. Samba, a young socialist, falls for spirited Lara during one of his missions to the bush. To escape her forced marriage, she secretly flees with him to the city. But Lara’s husband won’t let them be and the Revolution soon brings painful disillusions as they dream of a future together.
My Father's Stories
Director of Photography
Lyon, 1960s. Emile is twelve years old. His father is a hero. He says he is a judo champ, a parachutist, a soccer player and even a personal advisor to General de Gaulle. Now he wants to save French Algeria! Fascinated and proud, Emile willingly follows his father in missions of utmost danger: tailing, spying, delivering top-secret letters. Emile carries out his orders in all seriousness. He even recruits Luca, a new classmate, into his secret combat. But what if the father’s exploits were all phony, and far too dangerous for children?
For the "story of the month," Coline, a contributor to a women's magazine, is sent deep into the Pyrenees to interview Simon, a rather wild artist who claims his mother appeared to him at the precise moment she died. Coline is particularly intrigued since her beautiful neighbor Azar insists the same thing happened with her father! On the night they meet, Simon attempts to seduce Coline, who resists but falls in love...
O Mundo de Gloria
Director of Photography
Daniel sai da prisão. Ele retorna a Marselha, onde Mathilda, sua filha, acaba de dar à luz. Nicolas, seu marido, um motorista autônomo, está exausto, enquanto Mathilda é assistente de vendas em caráter experimental. Mas uma noite, Nicolas é assaltado por taxistas determinados a reduzir a concorrência desleal.
Falling for Love
Director of Photography
A penniless young man, Kevin is forced to return to live with his parents in the heart of the Picardy countryside. There, he finds a job in a pig farm. Not knowing how to look ahead, Kevin has no real project to defend. Everything shifts the day he meets Alice. This attractive voltigeuse who is not cold to the eyes exercises her talents in a circus of the region. Under the spell, Kevin tries to get closer to her and her way of life very free. To conquer it, he decides to train himself to acrobatic riding. Despite the misunderstanding of his family, he does not intend to give up this crazy bet that finally gives him a reason to live his life as he sees fit ...
Uma Casa à Beira-mar
​Em uma pequena baía nos arredores de Marselha, um homem velho espera pela morte em sua pitoresca vila. A fim de acompanhá-lo em seus últimos dias, seus três filhos se reúnem para, ao lado do pai, ponderar sobre o que herdaram de seus ideais e da comunidade espiritual criada neste lugar mágico. A chegada de um grupo a uma enseada próxima irá submeter esses momentos de reflexão a uma intensa turbulência.
A Trama
É verão em La Ciotat, na França. Antoine acaba de aceitar um convite para participar de um grupo de escrita, onde alguns jovens têm a tarefa de escrever um romance policial com a ajuda de Olivia, uma famosa romancista. O problema é que, durante o processo, o texto vai acabar revisitando assuntos antigos da cidade, fazendo com que Antoine perca o interesse, e criando uma complicada inimizade com o grupo.
I Got Life!
Aurore has separated, just lost her job, and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.
Director of Photography
Malian-French director Daouda Coulibaly's auspicious debut is a pulse-pounding political thriller. Wùlu tells the unsettling tale of a man's rise from the bottom rung of the social ladder to the heights of criminal power.
The Summer of All My Parents
Director of Photography
After attempting to set a mailbox on fire, Pimpette, 14, and her elder sister, Joséphine, 18, spend their summer holidays shuttling between their secretly pregnant mom and bachelor father. But when Joséphine gets involved with the wrong crowd, little Pimpette turns out to be more responsible than the grown-ups who spend their time educating her.
Director of Photography
Temptation and danger run high in this romantic drama. In a post-World War I world, handsome veteran Antoine is ready to live life with his beautiful wife, Marianne. But his happiness is threatened when Marianne's alluring sister, Evelyn, pulls him into a seductive web of deceit and infidelity.
Director of Photography
Lou, a creative and dreamy 12-year-old girl, lives alone with her mother in an orange building with tons of little balconies that give access to the roof. Mina has been her best friend since kindergarten, and Lou has been in love with Tristan, one of her neighbors, since elementary school. Her mother has relinquished her own personal happiness of late so as to devote herself to her daughter, but their little bubble bursts when Mom meets a man and Lou at last dares speak to Tristan.
Director of Photography
It sometimes takes little to spoil a weekend in the country. A simple misunderstanding in a supermarket parking lot, a bad reaction, and there you go, everything is awry. Nothing is going well for Christine. Jean leaves her. Her oldest friends, Sylvette and Ulrich, are no longer such good friends. Everything is falling apart at the seams. But life is always full of surprises.
Um Belo Domingo
Director of Photography
Baptiste (Pierre Rochefort) é um homem solitário, que trabalha como professor no sul da França. Na véspera do fim de semana ele percebe que um dos alunos foi esquecido pelo pai negligente e decide levá-lo até a mãe (Louise Bourgoin), que trabalha numa praia em Montpellier. Surge uma união familiar entre os três, mas as dívidas da mulher atrapalham suas vidas. Para ajudá-la, Baptiste terá que retornar às suas origens.
Foxfire - Confissões de Uma Gangue de Garotas
Director of Photography
Nova York, anos 1950. Um grupo de garotas, cansadas dos abusos que sofrem diariamente na fábrica em que trabalham, resolvem criar uma gangue só de mulheres chamada Foxfire. Elas carregam uma tatuagem específica nos ombros para identificar quem pertence ao grupo. O bando irá usar de violência para se vingar das humilhações sofridas nas mãos dos homens.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro
Apesar de ter perdido o emprego, Michel vive feliz com Marie-Claire. Amam-se há trinta anos, os filhos e os netos preenchem a sua vida, têm amigos muito chegados, orgulham-se dos seus combates sindicais e políticos e as suas consciências são tão transparentes como os seus olhares. Mas esta felicidade vai desmoronar-se juntamente a fechadura da porta perante o assalto de dois homens armados e mascarados que lhes batem, os amarram, lhes arrancam as alianças e fogem com os cartões de crédito de ambos. O choque será ainda mais violento quando souberem que esta brutal agressão foi organizada por um dos jovens operários da sua comunidade...
Director of Photography
Paule is pushing 50, as she repeatedly observes in her voice-over commentary. When she – a philosophy lecturer with a 10-year marriage and a 15-year-old daughter – learns that her husband is having an affair with a 28-year-old, this number takes on a special weight. The Internet site “L’âme-sœur” is supposed to help Paule get through her burgeoning midlife crisis...
Director of Photography
Cigarros e Meias de Nylon
Director of Photography
Enquanto luta contra seu caminho para Paris e além, cerca de 6.500 recrutas americanos se apaixonaram e casadas meninas francesas. Um exército dos EUA sobrecarregado montaram acampamentos "cigarro" - Acampamento Chesterfield, Campo Lucky Strike - para "americanizar" as noivas antes de se juntar a sua nova americano sogros. Cigarettes & Nylons segue três jovens mulheres através de suas esperança, provações e tribulações, amor e desgosto, em um momento em que mesmo que o mundo estava queimando, jovens corações foram incendiados.
O sequestro de um herói
Director of Photography
Stanislas Graff (Yvan Attal), um rico industrial, é sequestrado. Durante sua degradação física e mental no cativeiro, os sequestradores, polícia e o corpo diretivo da empresa que ele comanda discutem o resgate no valor de 50 milhões de euros.
O Exército do Crime
Director of Photography
Numa Paris ocupada pelas tropas alemãs, o operário Missak Manouchian encabeça uma pequena resistência formada por jovens comunistas. Por sua coragem, vão se tornando lenda de um combate desigual contra as tropas nazis.
Uma Barragem Contra o Pacífico
O espírito de uma mãe perturbada desmorona quando seus filhos adultos lutam pela independência. Sentindo-se abandonada, ela pensa em tomar medidas drásticas.
Entre os Muros da Escola
Director of Photography
François Marin trabalha como professor de língua francesa em uma escola de ensino médio, localizada na periferia de Paris. Ele e seus colegas de ensino buscam apoio mútuo na difícil tarefa de fazer com que os alunos aprendam algo ao longo do ano letivo. François busca estimular seus alunos, mas o descaso e a falta de educação são grandes complicadores.
Without Me
Anna, a divorced single mother, employs a mysterious young woman called Lise to care for her children.
Je hais les parents
Director of Photography
Para o Sul
Director of Photography
Haiti, início dos anos 80. Um pequeno hotel numa praia paradisíaca. Mulheres norte americanas com falta de afecto e de sexo. Um grupo de jovens locais oferecem companhia e amor em troca de alguns favores. Bastante requisitado pelas mulheres, Legba, com cerca de dezoito anos, vai mudar a vida delas de uma forma desconcertante.
Director of Photography
L'ennemi naturel causou polêmica por mostrar algumas cenas de nudez frontal do ator Aurélien Recoing, já que o ator é bem dotado. Críticos de cinema julgaram que as cenas eram desnecessárias.Nicolas Luhel, um jovem oficial da justiça, chega a Plouescat, uma pequena cidade no norte da França. A polícia quer esclarecer as circunstâncias que envolvem a morte de um adolescente. A mãe do rapaz acusa o seu ex-marido, Serge Tanguy, de ter planejado o crime, mas o motivo do crime permanece por esclarecer. A violência da tragédia, a força da natureza e a solidão acabam por despertar em Nicolas ansiedades e desejos, antes ocultos. Fragilizado pelo suicídio da testemunha principal, ele deixa-se seduzir pela estranha fascinação exercida por Tanguy em todos os que o rodeiam.
Who Killed Bambi?
Director of Photography
Isabelle, a beautiful nursing student, is starting her internship at a prestigious hospital. She meets Dr. Philip there, feels atracted to him from the beggining and starts suffering from strange fainting; so he calls her Bambi: her legs don't support her. Patients mysteriously start to dissappear from their rooms; so Bambi and Dr. Philip start a cat vs. mouse paranoid game, in order to catch the probable killer.
My Life on Ice
Etienne is crazy about ice skating and videoing his daily life with a digital camera. He records his mother, friends, and geography teacher. Initially his intention is to setup a date between his mother and his teacher, however, he starts to realize that he is infatuated with the teacher himself.
Dear Hunter
Director of Photography
Right Under My Eyes
Director of Photography
Young computer enthusiast Liam runs a website streaming video of his every action captured on a webcam. He lives a reclusive life, temporarily staying in a friend’s apartment in Paris until waitress Alison and her British husband, James, move in.
Time Out
Director of Photography
An unemployed man finds his life sinking more and more into trouble as he hides his situation from his family and friends.
Gilded Youth
Director of Photography
Spring to summer 2000. Gwenaëlle and Angéla are friends. They are seventeen and eighteen years old and live in the same town in the suburbs of Paris. Summer vacation is coming up. They put in a project at the Youth Department of the local town hall. It is selected and funded. They will be able to carry it out. Their project is a trip around France to photograph people's homes. They invite people to pose in front of their houses and take photographs of themselves. When school goes back, an exhibition is organized at the town hall. Full of curiosity and strengthened by their friendship, they encounter people from a range of backgrounds. They broaden their horizons and open up to the possibilities life has to offer. They have many adventures and sometimes their encounters lead them to stay in one place for several days
Quand on sera grand
Director of Photography
At thirty, Simon is juggling with life and it's problems. He is torn between his job as a journalist at "Tobacco Monthly", his girlfreind Christine with whom he can't seem to have a child and his friends Fabrice, Léa and Roché. On the family side, he should be sorting things out with his psychiatrist father but he mainly takes care of his Granma who is loosing her mind and making life impossible for everyone around her. When he meets Claire, a pregnant neighbour neglected by her husband, his life takes an unexpected turn.
Les cendres du paradis
Director of Photography
Why did Ariane Fisher, a young woman in her thirties, come to the hospital to die without telling anyone? To whom should this disappearance be reported? This is what Alice, the night nurse, and Prudence, the social worker, will try to find in the bag containing the few personal belongings brought by Ariane.
The Little Thief
Director of Photography
In this French drama, a teenager falls into a life of crime, little realizing the consequences. S. is a moody young man who loses his job at a bakery, and decides to throw in his lot with a group of thieves about the same age as himself. S. and his cronies are strictly small-timers, pulling off second-rate break-ins for an older crime boss, but his willingness to do what he's told helps him rise up the ladder to bigger and more lucrative jobs. However, S. lacks the maturity or experience to deal with the risks, and after a few disastrous mistakes, he finds his fortunes sinking far faster than they rose.
Jeux de plage
Director of Photography
Éric, de 18 anos, de férias no Sul com seus pais, decide escapar da situação sufocante, especialmente com seu pai de 50 anos, e se junta a um grupo de jovens.
The Troubles We've Seen
We follow Marcel Ophuls' two journeys to Sarajevo in 1993. He is starting a documentary about war correspondants. But this also becomes a reflexion about truth and life. The form consists in many interviews of mostly French and American journalists and reporters of television or newspapers.
Tous à la manif
Director of Photography
A few high school students are organizing a demonstration in the bar where Serge is working as a waiter for his father. He tries to join in...
The Thieving Magpie
Director of Photography
Maria, who's not as young as she used to be and who helps people older than her, is living from hand to mouth. She can't quite accept her precarious situation and steals a few euros here and there from all those lovely people she looks after with such devotion, and who adore her for it… But after an accusation of abuse of a vulnerable person, Maria winds up in police custody.