Julie Alexandra Lepage


Cruel Instruction
Set Supervisor
The story of 16-year-old Kayla Adams, whose mother, Karen is advised by the school’s counselor to send Kayla to get treatment at a youth residential treatment center after she gets expelled from school. Kayla arrives at the Utah facility on the same day as her roommate Amanda, a treatment program veteran who knows exactly what the girls were in for. Led by headmistress Miss Connie, the staff uses draconian methods including force-feeding medications, arbitrary punishments, solitary confinement, verbal and physical abuse to keep the students in line. After being pushed to their limits and stripped of their lifelines, including any ability to freely communicate with the outside world, the two young women must band together to survive and fight to expose the abuse before it’s too late.
A Nona Vida de Louis Drax
Set Costumer
Louis Drax é um garoto brilhante na escola, mas com sérias dificuldades em fazer amigos. Os colegas o consideram estranho e vários acontecimentos sombrios se passam ao seu redor. Quando completa nove anos de idade, a criança sofre uma queda violenta, que quase causa a sua morte. Ninguém sabe explicar o motivo do acidente, até o Doutor Allan Pascal começar a suspeitar que os eventos associados a Louis sejam mais do que uma simples coincidência.
O Aviador
Wardrobe Assistant
Depois de receber a herança de seu pai, Howard Hughes passou a investir na indústria do cinema e ajudou a carreira de grandes nomes de Hollywood. Apesar de sucesso e riqueza, o pioneiro da aviação sofria de depressão e fobias paralisantes.