Matty Davis
Supernatural horror, based on the eponymous online phenomenon, a ritual conducted in an elevator, in which players attempt to travel to another dimension using a set of rules that can be found online.
Confronted by odd directive from her late husband's estate, Helena Grayson is inspired to reawaken a long-buried desire to write. When she's unexpectedly drawn into an encounter with an old flame she is further challenged to explore her creative voice. Conceived under the sway of both love and art Into Invisible Light is a story of forgiveness, second chances and the revitalizing power of art.
Um comerciante de diamantes viaja da Rússia para a América para vender raras pedras azuis de origem questionável. À medida que seu negócio começa a entrar em colapso, ele passa a se envolver com uma russa, dona de um pequeno café na Sibéria. A paixão cresce e ele não consegue se livrar do negócio de diamantes, deixando brechas para que ambos entrem em colisão num ambiente sem saída.
Liam acorda de um acidente de carro completamente sem memória. Enquanto busca ajuda encontra vários corpos, todos com os olhos brancos. Imaginando ser algum vírus presente no ar, ele logo descobre que todos que se aproximam a 15 metros dele morrem instantaneamente.
High School Student Partier (uncredited)
A shy high schooler struggles to lose his virginity before the local Satanic cult can sacrifice him to the devil.
Ivan Kravchenko
A dark historical drama about two sisters, the man that comes between them, and the tragedy that results. Set in the 1870s.
Paul Dewey
O romancista de Nova York Truman Capote lê sobre o assassinato de uma família do Kansas e decide cobrir a história. Acompanhado por Harper Lee, sua amiga de infância, Capote viaja até lá e logo ganha a confiança do agente que lidera a investigação pelo assassinato. Os assassinos são capturados e, ao visitá-los na prisão, Capote percebe que a história pode virar um livro que revolucionaria a literatura moderna.
Every fall in a small Midwestern town, a supernatural specter rises from the cornfields and makes its way toward the town’s church, where violent gangs of teenage boys hungrily await their chance to confront the legendary nightmare in an annual harvest rite of life and death called the Run. Richie Shepard lives in the shadow of his big brother who won last year’s Run and earned his ticket out of town. To prove himself and join his brother, Richie pairs up with Kelly Haines, a restless dreamer who will do whatever it takes to escape this dead-end town. Against the rules and the odds, Richie and Kelly decide to hunt down the legendary nightmare to win the Run and their freedom, together.