Franco Antonelli


Conan, o Bárbaro
Wardrobe Supervisor
Há milhares de anos, Thulsa Doom, um demoníaco feiticeiro, comanda um ataque em uma aldeia por motivos até hoje não revelados, que poderia ser simplesmente pelo prazer de matar ou para descobrir o segredo do aço, que era guardado pelos moradores desta aldeia. Conan, um cimério, vê seus pais serem mortos na sua frente e seu povo ser massacrado, sendo que ele, ainda criança, é levado para um campo de escravos. Os anos passam e ele desenvolve uma enorme força física, o que faz Conan se tornar gladiador. Ele ainda se mantém determinado a vingar a morte dos pais e quando é libertado tenta alcançar seu objetivo. Conan descobre que Thulsa Doom lidera o misterioso Culto da Serpente e, tentando se aproximar do feiticeiro, faz amizade com dois ladrões, Valéria e Subotai. Ao trio é prometida uma vultosa recompensa pelo rei Osric, que quer que o trio de guerreiros resgate sua filha, que se tornou uma seguidora de Thulsa Doom.
Chamavam-lhe Califórnia
Costume Design
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.
Street Law
Costume Design
Carlo Antonelli, an engineer from Genoa, gets mugged and decides to take justice into his own hands. At first the muggers seem to get the upper hand, but then he's helped by Tommy, a young robber who takes his side.
The Two Faces of Fear
Wardrobe Supervisor
Doctor Miguel Azzini is found shot dead dead. The police suspect his colleagues: Elena Carli, his former mistress and owner of the clinic where he worked; Roberto Carli, her surgeon husband; Doctor Paula Lombardo, Roberto's mistress; and the clinic's administrator. Inspector Nardi discovers that Elena has a heart condition and had offered Miguel an increased sharehold in the clinic in order to dissuade him from leaving for another post. Elena's heart condition is worsened by the relentless police scrutiny and by her suspicion that Roberto is the murderer. She has to be rushed into hospital and is even more alarmed when Roberto prepares to operate...
Vivo Para a Tua Morte
Costume Design
Mike Sturges and his younger brother, Roy, are sentenced to Yuma Penitentiary on a trumped-up train robbery charge. Both endure cruel treatment before Mike escapes to extract revenge on their enemies.
Viva Django
Costume Design
O misterioso pistoleiro Django consegue com um político corrupto o emprego ideal: carrasco de inocentes proprietários de terras, que se recusam a dançar conforme a musica. O que o chefão não imagina é que Django não está enforcando ninguém. Na realidade, ele está usando suas”vitimas” para treinar uma gang guiada apenas pela vingança. A maior vingança é a de Django, cuja a morte da esposa foi causada pelo atual contratador. E o dia de vingar a morte de sua amada se aproxima. O conflito final vai começar.
Crazy Westerners
Costume Design
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
Os Sete Gladiadores
Costume Design
Framed for the escape of five gladiators from the arena, the son of one of Sparta's leading citizens is sentenced to the arena as gladiator himself and forced to fight for his life in the Roman Colosseum. Years later he manages to escape and return to Sparta, only to find out that his father has been murdered--even though it was ruled a "suicide"--and the woman he loves is about to marry the evil king who has usurped the throne. He sets out to find six of his fellow gladiators and return to Sparta to save his woman and place the rightful king on the throne.
Piratas Vingadores
Costume Design