A musical comedy special hosted by Debby Boone, about a company of singers and dancers preparing to open in a Broadway show. Taped at a theater in Detroit where Debby Boone and the rest of the cast were actually preparing a Broadway-bound adaptation of "Seven Brides For Seven Brothers."
Louise Foreman
A black family leaves the ghetto of Detroit to look for a better life in Los Angeles.
Dez casos. Agora 12. Por que pacientes jovens e saudáveis são submetidos para cirurgia no Boston Memorial Hospital e terminam ligados a uma máquina? A Dra. Susan Wheeler quer saber.
A young woman who works in a beauty parlor discovers that she has a unique and special talent, which causes her no end of trouble.
A middle-aged woman finds herself simply a widow, a grandmother and a person when a friend takes her to the Stardust Ballroom, a dance hall which recreates the music and atmosphere of the 1940s. There she encounters a most unlikely Prince Charming, a middle-aged mailman. With this encounter, life takes on a new meaning for the film's heroine.
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable virus that can kill 100 million people in three weeks.
A suburban wife begins to resent the pressures she sees society putting on her as a wife and mother, and leaves her family to find the meaning of her life.
Jewish Girl
Harvey Keitel é Charlie, um homem que trabalha para crescer no submundo dos guetos de Little Italy, em Nova York. Ao seu lado, porém, está Johnny Boy (De Niro, em sua primeira parceria com Scorsese), um jovem revoltado, agressivo e sem escrúpulos, que vive se metendo em confusões por causa de dívidas de jogo. Caminhos Perigosos retrata o cotidiano desses dois indivíduos, em meio à realidade violenta do subúrbio das grandes cidades. O filme é um retrato visceral do ambiente em que crescera o diretor Martin Scorsese, cuja infância vivera no mesmo bairro nova-yorkino em que se passa a obra.
After 18 years of marriage, a middle-aged couple has to face the prospect of having their first child.